Is Man-Made Climate Change A Scam?

1 year ago

For well over half a century, politicians, activists & "Scientists" have made claims and predictions of world ending doom & gloom from "Man-Made Climate Change". Whether it's Al Gore, Paul Ehrlich, Bill Nye, Greta Thunberg, and everyone in between, every single one of their predictions and claims of "Man-Made Climate Change" due to CO2, has been overwhelmingly and verifiably WRONG!

However, despite their monumental record of lies, falsehoods and con games, there are still a small handful of people today who continue to believe the hoax of "Man-Made Climate Change". P. T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute" and he seems to have been frighteningly correct.

In this video expose', I share just a few of the long, long list of astonishingly wrong and even downright deceitful lies that the climate charlatans have pushed over the years.
Enjoy and remember to subscribe and share to help educate others. Thank you.

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