Save The Children in this Desperate Hour with Michael Dennis Smith founder of

1 year ago

Pastor Michael Dennis Smith, the founder of, comes on "All Politics is Local" to share his amazing initiative called "The Pledge". This simple plan to rally the troops behind agreeing to pledge themselves to stand up for the kids and refuse to go along with this tyranny could very well be the perfect first step to stopping their plots against our children.

You will enjoy the vision laid out by Pastor Mike. This show is a great reminder that we all have a role to play in this drama that has been unfolding in our nation these past several years. As Pastor Mike says, "If we can't fight for our own children, who will we ever take a stand for!?"

After watching this interview -
Click here to sign the Pledge online -

We, at All Politics is Local and American Revival Press, continue to believe that God's best is yet to come in our nation and throughout our world. It's hard to see the politics getting any better, any time soon, but God has often chosen to reveal Himself in times like these, when there is no where else to turn but back to Him.

We are expecting the Lord to show up any time soon and remind the world, who really has been our Messiah and Salvation all along! And He will show Himself strong for our children!!

The Best is Yet to Come!!

God Bless

All Politics is Local

American Revival Press

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