Holistic Parasite Cleanse

1 year ago

How to make a homemade holistic parasite cleanse with Kelly Rogers.
Hosted by Gloria Sharlein & CoHost Naomi Kracht
URO therapy testimonies with Nancy Henderson, Josephine Walsh, and more

Here are the instructions…
1st step is night one only.
PARASITE CLEANSE - done monthly
4 day process. Clean eating before hand is best.

Things you need:
Laxative Castor Oil
Turpentine Gum Spirits
Sugar cane sugar cubes.

Steps to follow:
Day 1 - 1 tbsp laxative castor oil at bedtime
Day 2 - am, first thing into your body:
1. Tower 3 sugar cane sugar cubes together then pour 1 tsp of turpentine gum spirits over top. You will see it absorb down through the sugar. Chew & swallow. Add water to your mouth if you have difficulty chewing & swallowing or mix in 1/2 cup of warm water and drink.
2. 1 tsp laxative castor oil
** drink lots of water to flush the parasites. Stay close to a bathroom. They will be released!
Day 3 - Repeat day 2
Day 4 - Repeat day 2 & 3

Links to more information and ways to stay healthy...

Covenom part 1

Covenom part 2

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