The CCP regime is like if you don't kick them out of your house, they'll burn it down

1 year ago

9/27/2023 【Aila on the ‘Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner’】Aila Wang: Xi Jinping believes he's sent by God to save the Chinese people and firmly believes in Modelski's long cycle theory. The CCP regime is like if you don't kick them out of your house, they'll burn it down.
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP
9/27/2023 【小飞象做客《战场前线:与达斯汀·福克纳战斗在前线》节目】小飞象:习近平相信自己是上天派来解救中国人的,而且他对莫德尔斯基的长周期理论深信不疑。中共政权就好比是如果你不把他们从你家赶走,那么他们就会烧掉你的房子。
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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