Analytical Applications of Differentiation, Revision, Worked Examples - Unit 5 - AP Calculus BC

1 year ago

This video provides a quick revision of Unit 5 of AP Calculus BC on Analytical Applications of Differentiation in under 40 mins, using worked examples to reinforce the concepts you learned in class.

Analytical Applications of Differentiation is also a topic covered in AP Calculus AB and Calculus 1.

Fast Revision (under 40 mins)
12 Topics
Lots of Worked Examples

Be sure to pause the video before you attempt each practice problem and post your questions in the comments.

Topics Covered:
5.1 Mean Value Theorem
5.2 Extreme Value Theorem, Global Vs Local Extrema, Critical Points
5.3 Intervals where a Function is Increasing/Decreasing
5.4 First Derivative Test, Local (Relative) Extrema
5.5 Candidates Test, Absolute (Global) Extrema
5.6 Concavity over the Domains of Functions
5.7 Second Derivative Test, Local Minima/Maxima
5.8 Graphs of Functions and their Derivatives
5.9 Connecting a Function and its Derivatives
5.10 Introduction to Optimisation
5.11 Solving Optimisation Problems
5.12 Behaviour of Implicit Relations

Alternatively, you can skip over to each individual topic using the following playlist

This video is part of Unit 5 of AP Calculus BC on Analytical Applications of Differentiation.

You can contact me through the comments and community section, or email me at for questions.

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