The Third Reich In Color | Part 2: War Against Hitler | Free Uncensored Documentary

1 year ago

In this episode:
During the war against the Soviet Union, 35mm color footage was also used for Nazi propaganda. Hitler's pilot accompanies the dictator on a visit to the troops at the front. Hollywood director John Ford shoots spectacular color footage with his crew in North Africa and on behalf of US President Roosevelt, a camera crew was present at the Casablanca Conference in January 1943. There, the Allies demand the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany.

The first half of the 20th century, the two world wars, the parades in Nuremberg and Moscow, and the appearances of Roosevelt and Churchill are handed down and remembered by generations in classic black and white. But little known, hidden in film archives and private collections, other images have also survived. Because Hitler's lover Eva Braun and the Führer's pilot Hans Hans Baur, Marlene Dietrich, and Roosevelt's Minister of Finance, some soldiers of the Wehrmacht and the cameramen of the US Secret Service OSS had a common passion: they filmed history in color, for private pleasure or to document historical events.

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