The Strecker Memorandum (1988)

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This is one the most controversial videos you'll ever see. Dr. Robert Strecker refutes, with documented evidence, virtually everything the so-called experts and government reports have told you about AIDS. He asserts in no uncertain terms that: AIDS is a man-made disease, AIDS is not a homosexual disease, AIDS is not a venereal disease, AIDS is a bio-weapon. Dr. Strecker shows how AIDS was predicted, requested, created, deployed and works very well for it's intended purpose.

Dr. Robert B. Strecker passed away on April 15, 2018 due to an auto accident. He was America’s first credentialed AIDS whistleblower with his scholarly video presentation of research into early genetic engineering studies mutating viruses. Sadly, Dr. Strecker was attacked and belittled for his work even though independent investigations corroborated his claims. Nevertheless, Dr. Strecker was a dedicated and selfless man who was passionate about his work, his patients, and the understanding and fighting of disease.

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