Masonic Lodges ,Sepahrdic Jews and the Slave Trade Cover Touro Synagogue

1 year ago

When Jews of Newport and Charleston had the criminal idea of enslaving the North American Indians and sell them as slaves in the British colonies and even in other parts of the world, the first thing they did was to send envoys that sold rum to them, to impress the vice of alcoholism on them. Rum distilleries owned by Jews in Charleston and Newport sent their product to the West and center of the country, that were inhabited by the Indian tribes, and sold it to the leaders. Alcoholism, pretty soon, took over those tribes and the business of rum sale gave great profits to the Jewish exploiters. When they became convinced that the Indians - as they said - because they did not like hand work and for other reasons, were not the ideal slaves for the plantations of the Southern British colonies, and reached the conclusion that the African ne-groes would be much better, they sent envoys to sell rum to the black tribes of the African western coast, also with the purpose of stimulating the vice of alcoholism in the black tribes and their leaders; this would also give the Is-raelite exploiters fabulous profits and also would pave the way for the HUNTING of black slaves, as they sarcastically said. That is why the business of rum distillery and sale and the trade of black slaves were closely related in the Jewish businessmen of Newport and Charleston. Among the Jews of those two cities, that according to documents filed in the Carnegie Institute of Technology of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (United States) were dedicated to the slave trade, to rum distillery and in general to both businesses, appeared the following Israelites of Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and British origin but all of them Jews: "Isaac Gomes; Hayman Levy, Jacob Malhado, Nephtaly Myers, David Hart, Joseph Jacobs, Moses Ben Franks,
Moses Gomez, Isaac Dias, Benjamin Levy, David Jeshuvum,

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