Fast Crop Circle Being Created by UFO

1 year ago

From Elena DANAAN ( the “ Emissary “ for The Galactic Federation Worlds with Our Worlds Best Ever Scientist ENKI….

We might be stepping together into the Twilight Zone As One Planetary Body soon with absolutely nut UFO, Fire, Earthquakes, CME’s, matching White Hat narratives tying in together from multiple sources including ( as always ) MrMBBB3, DutchSince Earthquake Expert, Elena DANAAN, virtually ALL OF GAIA who seems to be betting the farm ( their whole reputation) on imminent Arrival Of The Late / Great ANNUNAKI SCIENTIST who upgraded our DNA - ENKI

Dan Winter & Elena Danaan:
Dan is a scientist 👨‍🔬

2.) False Flag Alien 👽 Invasion

3.) Lahaina Special sensitive revelations that cannot go on YT, about the Disclosure plan and the Lahaina attack, will be disclosed here:

4.) Galactic Federation Notes :
Non- Interference based on previous Human to Reptilian Agreements

😍 Wow!!! Another Orb making Crop Circles, the speed it spits them out is astounding


😮💩 Weird Shit

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