GEORGE WEBB || Some obscure bits on the UAE Diplomat Shooting of BioNTech financier.

1 year ago

George Webb - Investigative Journalist
UAE Diplomat shooting of BioNTech financier for cancer mRNA at Erasmus Lab. The reason tehy are withholding his mug shot and his surname, is that he is the son of a diplomat and may also have diplomatic immunity.

George does amazing research and finds links and ties to the biotech industry that no one else investigates. He makes it look easy because he's been down the rabbit hole (no pun intended) for decades looking into this obscure subject.

Waiting on the world now to find out about the rabbits. writes:
"The police arrested 32-year-old medical student Faoud L. for killing Damen at Erasmus MC, as well as a mother and daughter on Heiman Dullaertplein."

Erasmus MC lecturer killed in Rotterdam shootings described as amiable, involved GP


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