1 year ago


Knowing our identity is important because it determines how we live our lives. If we think we’re defined by our achievements, we will do more and more to find our value in them. If we think our identity is defined by other’s opinions of us, we will do anything to please others. Both of those can be dangerous and destructive.

Thus there are two ways to determine our identity. The unwise way or the wise way. The unwise way - the world’s way, which is usually our beliefs about ourselves based on our past failures and successes. The wise way - the other way is forming our beliefs about ourselves by what God says about us in His Word.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says: Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

For those of us who are IN Christ Jesus (truly spiritually born again), we are the righteousness of God IN Christ Jesus (See: 2 Cor. 5:21; Philippians 3:8-9). God the Father says that about us! Bases on our PAST ACTIONS, we may have a difficult time BELIEVING that about ourselves, but when God says it, who are WE to tell God He doesn’t know what He’s talking about?

No amount of sin your or I have done in the past changes that fact. No amount of failures we've experienced changes that fact. NOTHING we may or may not have done in the past or am currently doing, or will do in the FUTURE alters the truth of that declaration by God: I AM the righteousness of God, IN Christ Jesus (if I'm truly born again) ... because GOD says I am. Dare I call Him a LIAR?!

Outside of Christ Jesus, you and I am NOT the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Which then we will be forced to try to become our OWN righteousness. Which would you rather identify with: Your OWN self-righteousness with all its shortcoming, or God’s FREELY GIVEN imputed righteousness which doesn’t change based on what we do or don’t do?

The Word of God says that Jesus Christ “Is ALL in ALL.” (See: Colossians 3:11). He becomes our IDENTITY when we make Him “OUR all in all.” It’s a personal choice we each need to make … if we’re wise.

If you don’t fully understand the wisdom of making Jesus Christ your identity, get yourself an unmarked New Testament Bible and go to the Book of Ephesians. Use a colored marker to underline EVERY place the word “IN” appears. Once you have done that, take special moments to deeply ponder how many places it reads “In Christ” or “In Christ Jesus”. In a matter of time, you’ll begin to understand of the critical importance of learning WHO God says you are “IN CHRIST.” As you do so, it is the understanding of who God the Father says who you ARE in Christ Jesus that will set you SOOOOOOOO free to love and be more motivated to serve God more than you EVER have before!

Once we begin to understand our Identity in Christ, the NEXT step is to seek God for full understanding of our AUTHORITY in Christ. Here is a great resource to start one's journey:

(You may one day be placed in a position where a demon or demons manifest in a person, and you are assured God wants to use YOU to get those demons out of that person so they can be free. You'll find the ONLY thing that will get the demons out of that person is to COMMAND them to come out. It will be your AUTHORITY in Christ that they must obey). Furthermore, many sicknesses and diseases will not CEASE until we use our AUTHORITY to command them to leave. (Persistence can be KEY in the matter; a one-time shot is not always sufficient to get the job done. NEVER stop being persistent in commanding sicknesses and/or disease to leave either your OWN body, or the body of someone else).

Please COPY and PASTE the following link everyone on the Internet: https://www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it

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