Judges 9-8 Verse of the day - 09-29-2023

1 year ago

In this one I mess up and say the romanesque/pagan anti-Christ names of the days of the week. So I went ahead and posted this one instead of redoing it to show how hard it is to break the brainwashing that everyone has undergone to train them to use ungodly names and wickedness in speech while being led in deception to believe it is ok because everyone is doing it.
I have never seen a single writing by members of the early church who stated the days of the week as they are named by the anti-Christ leaders of the nations of the world.
Instead, the early church members always used the "First day of the week" or the "Second...", or "6th day of the week", or "the sabbath" or whatever. They would never use Fria's day, Thor's day, Saturns day or the other names. Not until later did they start to mess up and accept the world instead of separating themselves from it.

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