Undercover Transhumanist: Dr. Malone's Quest To Merge Man With Machine

1 year ago

Undercover Transhumanist: Dr. Malone's Quest To Merge Man With Machine.

Does Dr. Malone's Contribution of His Cationic Liposome Invention Make Him A War Criminal?

Dr. Malone's Cationic Liposome Invention's Sole Purpose Is To Enable The Covid Vaccines To Infuse Nanotechnology Within The Human Genome Resulting In The Forced Merger of Artificial  Intelligence With Humanity.
Forced Transhumanism.
This Is A War Crime.

Karen Kingston: Biotech Analyst.

Malone invented the Cationic liposome - mediated RNA transfection.
Its sole purpose is to enable the infusion of nanotech that host electromagnetic fields within  the human genome for the purposes of a bioweapon.

Malone's original publication from 1989 is on his website.
Pfizer's website reveals that the liponanoparticle vaccines would not be possible without Dr. Malone's Cationic liposome invention.
The injection is the introduction of nanotechnology for the purposes of transhumanism. It is for the purpose of humans to express non human DNA.  Its function is to create permanent changes in which this non human DNA is permanently integrated into the genome of the patient. This is a forced merger of Artificial  Intelligence with humanity. This is a war on humanity.
Dr. Malone's refusal to use the term nanotechnology is to avoid self incrimination as a war criminal.
Big Pharma shills are gaslighting the public by falsely claiming there is no nanotechnology inside the Covid-19 nanotechnological shots.
Karen Kingston, a Biotech Analyst, is back with Stew and is highlighting Dr. Robert Malone’s admission that mRNA technology is the beginning of transhumanism.
He defines transhumanism as the mechanical and biological modifications to humanity.
People are being lied to and told the injections are full of lipids and cholesterol because that sounds better than admitting it’s nanotechnology.
It’s very important that victims of the bioweapon be able to specifically articulate the crime that was committed against them.
Humanity was injected with nanotechnology to advance transhumanism.
Russian General Kirillov claims the pharmaceutical companies have been working with the U.S. government to create the pandemic.
He also warned European countries to cancel their contracts with Pfizer.
These pathogens and nanotech are more dangerous to humanity than a nuclear bomb.

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