GEORGE WEBB | Did Trump just out the “Venezuela Tar” Contras?

1 year ago

George Webb - Investigative Journalist
Did Trump out the “Venezuela Tar” Contras? Trump may know about the real purpose of Colony Ridge. That's the juice of Trumps speech. I don't care about the bath water.

Why is Warren Buffet bringing the oil trains from Venezuela?

Why did Trump highlight that in his speech?

Well, there's one way you can do an overthrow. You promise the oil families a bunch of money...that's how the cia does an overthrow. Then you finance the op, give families some housing in colony ridge when you want to recruit a contra type army.

The baby here is the funding from the Venezuela tar, that's paying for the contra army... Colony Ridge.

I don't know where that army is going? But it has that CIA signature on it.


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