BC Health Care is Collapsing - Pregnant Moms Story in Smithers, BC, Sept 5, 2023

1 year ago

BC Health Care is Collapsing
The pregnant moms at this gathering in Smithers on Sept 5, 2023, shed tears of anxiety and trepidation due to lack of healthcare services. They should not be put in this position.
Jen shared her position of having to decide if her labour should be induced immediately or wait and risk it as the hospital in Smithers, BC cannot offer her nursing care for delivery. If she did not induce and delivers or has complications arise when the Smithers Hospital is of no help, she will have to hope that an ambulance is available to send her to Terrace (two hours away).

Many Bill 36 postcards were signed by the public, joining a massive campaign of 100's of volunteers and health practitioners voicing concern about Bill 36 in community hubs across BC.

Subscribe to the Bill 36 Newsletter: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/MABMUSI/bill36

Bill 36 Information & Materials:
Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine: https://www.cssem.org/bill36
BC Rising Bill 36 Committee: https://bcrising.ca/committee/bill-36/

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