1 year ago

Question: How Do People Become Neurotic?

KRISHNAMURTI: How do we know they are neurotic? Please, this is a very serious question. Neurotic – what does that mean? A little odd, unclear, confused, slightly off-balance? Unfortunately, most of us are slightly off-balance. No? You aren’t quite sure! Aren’t you off-balance if you are a Christian, a Hindu, a Buddhist or a communist? Aren’t you neurotic when you enclose yourself with your problems, build a wall around yourself because you think you are better than somebody else? Aren’t you off-balance when your life is full of resistance – me and you, we and they, and all the other divisions? Aren’t you neurotic in the office when you want to be better than another?

So, how does one become neurotic? Does society make you neurotic? That is the simplest explanation – my father or mother, my neighbour, the government, the army, everybody makes me neurotic. Are they all responsible for my being off-balance? And when I go to the analyst for help, poor chap, he’s also neurotic like me. Please, don’t laugh; this is exactly what is happening in the world. So why do I become neurotic? Everything in the world, as it exists now, the society, the family, the parents, the children, have no love. Do you think there would be wars if we had love? Do you think there would be governments that consider it is perfectly all right for you to be killed? Such a society would not exist if your mother and father really loved you, cared for you, looked after you and taught you how to be kind, how to live and how to love. These are the outer pressures and demands that bring about this neurotic society. There are also the inner compulsions and urges within ourselves, our innate violence inherited from the past, that help to make up this neurosis, this imbalance.

(YOU ARE THE WORLD by JD.KRIShNaMurti) - "If you're an atheist or a believer, without implementing the teachings within religious texts that teaches kindness, love and peace, the whole point of religion is lost. When disbelievers who lie, hate, filled with greed and intolerance for your beliefs attacks you must you walk away from the fight, or must you tolerate their persecutions?

"Jesus only said, if they slap you turn the other cheek, so if they slap you again, should have no more cheeks to offer". This is not literal, its a metaphor which states do not return violence for violence which also reflects M.K.Gandhi's statement, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but we must also understand war is necessary when righteousness is being destroyed and defecated upon which is what both the Quran and The Gita state!


🍀Eat brocolli💠
🍀Health is wealth💠

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