Creepy Sam Seder, Democrat Voters & Universal Background Checks

1 year ago

Creepy old man Sam Seder thinks hood rats will say, "I better not purchase from the black market because a Democrat groomer is requiring me to submit to a background check." Or he knows this & wants to do the same things Lenin did & you cannot do that w/ an armed populace

***Relevant screenshots for this essay can be found here ***

Below you will find a continuation of the TRANSCRIPT that was cut off @
New Hanover County Sheriff's Office & Wilmington (FBI, 2019-21): Of the 51 known locations for murder, 45.09% (23) were a “residence/home” & 52.94% (27) were “outside.”

New Hanover County Sheriff's Office & Wilmington (FBI, 2019-21): Of the 46 murder weapons, 76.08% (35) were a “firearm/gun.”

Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office, Rocky Mount, Halifax County Sheriff’s Office (2020-21), Roanoke Rapids, Vance County Sheriff’s Office, Henderson, Hertford County Sheriff's Office, Ahoskie, Murfreesboro, Bertie County Sheriff's Office, Windsor & Warren County Sheriff's Office (FBI, 2019-21): Of the 159 known murder locations, 49.68% (79) were a “residence/home” & 40.88% (65) were “outside.”

Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office, Rocky Mount, Halifax County Sheriff’s Office (2020-21), Roanoke Rapids, Vance County Sheriff’s Office, Henderson, Hertford County Sheriff's Office, Ahoskie, Murfreesboro, Bertie County Sheriff's Office, Windsor & Warren County Sheriff's Office (FBI, 2019-21): Of the 138 known murder weapons, 89.13% (123) were a “Firearm/gun.”

Those are several of NC’s majority Black counties, they all have sky-high murder rates & you are more likely there to be murdered “outside” & far more likely to be murdered w/ a gun than NC en masse. #whitesupremacy

Before I cover national data, let me select some Democrat-leaning jurisdictions (or diverse cities in tossup counties that keep the County Coroner busy) & see what their numbers are. Keep in mind, I will not cover certain cities as they do not have much data, I prefer at least 3 years & love having 5 years.

Oklahoma City, OK (FBI, 2019-21): Of the 187 known murder locations, 61.49% (115) were a “residence/home” & 28.34% (53) were “outside.”

Oklahoma City, OK (FBI, 2019-21): Of the 183 KNOWN murder weapons, 82.51% (151) were a “firearm/gun.”

Albuquerque & Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office, NM (FBI, 2018-21): Of the 360 known murder locations, 40.83% (147) were a “residence/home” & 47.77% (172) were “outside.”

Albuquerque & Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office, NM (FBI, 2018-21): Of the 330 known murder weapons, 74.84% (247) were a “firearm/gun.”

Las Cruces & Dona Ana County Sheriff's Office, NM (FBI, 2018-21, the latter only 2019-21): Of the 41 known murder locales, 56.09% (23) were a “residence/home” & 39.02% (16) were “outside.”

Las Cruces & Dona Ana County Sheriff's Office, NM (FBI, 2018-21): Of the 41 known murder weapons, 63.41% (26) were a “firearm/gun.”

Indianapolis, IN (FBI, 2019-21): Of the 536 known murder locales, 42.91% (230) were a “residence/home” & 48.13% (258) were “outside.”

Indianapolis, IN (FBI, 2019-21): Of the 473 known murder weapons, 88.58% (419) were a “firearm/gun.”

Bridgeport, CT (FBI, 2018-21): Of the 66 known murder locations, 19.69% (13) were a “residence/home” & 71.21% (47) were “outside.”

Bridgeport, CT (FBI, 2018-21): Of the 63 known murder weapons, 87.3% (55) were a “firearm/gun.”

New Haven, CT (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 76 known murder locations, 30.26% (23) were a “residence/home” & 65.78% (50) were “outside.”

New Haven, CT (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 71 known murder weapons, 88.73% (63) were a “firearm/gun.”

Springfield, MA (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 81 known murder locales, 28.39% (23) were a “residence/home” & 69.13% (56) were “outside.”

Springfield, MA (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 84 known murder weapons, 89.28% (75) were a “firearm/gun.”

Brockton, MA (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 33 known murder locations, 45.45% (15) were a “residence/home” & 36.36% (12) were “outside.”

Brockton, MA (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 33 known murder weapons, 72.72% (24) were a “firearm.”

That wraps up this section, I would love to cover more cities & states, but some states are lacking in data & even the ones that have 3 years or more of data, some of their problem areas aren’t reporting much, so that makes it a fruitless task.

Being able to get more of the (usually) Democrat-run, “diverse” war zones would give us an even better picture into how the Democrat Party is purposely creating chaos, letting lunatics run loose in the streets, all while demonizing gunowners.

All Fascist regimes end up murdering their populations & the Democrats cannot achieve their Fascism unless they disarm rural America. Fat, bi-polar, divorced groomers like Sam Seder still wouldn’t step up to the plate in that event, but the people he’s agitating to go out & assault & harass normal citizens won’t succeed if the police are still around & if the law-abiding populace is armed.

I still have a lot of data & it’ll tell us what most of us already know. Unless your name is Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport & you’re having a fantasy involving your own daughter & Roman Polanski.

Now for NATIONAL FBI DATA & we’ll compare it to the worst of the worst above as best we can because there are differences in the lengths of the data unfortunately! One must also note that as more violent jurisdictions report this data, it will start to skew it more.

FBI National Data 2012-2021: Of the 60,145 KNOWN murder locations, 52.66% (31,676) were a “residence/home” & 38.37% (23,078) occurred “outside.”

FBI National Data 2012-2021: Of the 55,368 KNOWN murder weapons, 75.84% (41,994) were a “Firearm or gun.”

(previous data for even more years prior to this can be found at I did that old school, long before the current FBI interactive site was born. NOTE: From 2004-2018, 68.882% of all homicides were committed where a firearm did the dirty deed. About a third of the time, the assailant uses a knife, crowbar, some other object or personal weapons to commit the crime. They did not need a gun. In the same time frame, 5.154% of all homicides were committed w/a rifle or shotgun.)

FBI National Data 2017-2021: Of the 40,957 KNOWN murder locales, 50.81% (20,811) were a “residence/home” & 39.99% (16,382) were “outside.” *This is the time frame that will be my baseline for a collective comparison of many of the cities listed above*

FBI National Data 2017-2021: Of the 37,722 known murder weapons, 78.58% (29,642) were a “Firearm or gun.” *This is the time frame that will be my baseline for a collective comparison of many of the cities listed above*

FBI NATIONAL DATA 2017-2019: Of the 16,752 KNOWN murder locations, 54.44% (9,121) were a “residence/home” & 36.83% (6,170) were “outside.”

FBI NATIONAL DATA 2017-2019: Of the 15,397 KNOWN murder weapons, 74.25% (11,433) were a “firearm/gun.” You can see a big difference in that last two time frames, the murder rate was much higher 2020-21, many more folks (primarily blacks) were being murdered outside & with a firearm.

FBI NATIONAL DATA 2020-21 (George Floyd Democrat Voter Riots): Of the 24,205 KNOWN murder locales, 48.29% (11,690) were a “residence/home” & 42.18% (10,212) were “outside.”

FBI NATIONAL DATA 2020-21 (George Floyd Democrat Voter Riots): Of the 22,325 KNOWN murder weapons, 81.56% (18,209) were a “firearm/gun.”

As the Democrat Party & Black Lives Matter agitated their unemployed base to go out & murder people, burn businesses down & assault folks in the street, you can see the % of people murdered outside the safety of their home spiked 2020-21 relative to the 3 previous years, as well as people murdered w/ a gun.

The hood rats that vote for groomers like Sam Seder & Joe Biden have never cared about universal background checks & never will. They used the George Floyd riots as the perfect storm to wreak havoc & try to intimidate America into doing their bidding.

“Do what we want or we riot” says the fatherless BLM activist. But well-armed, law-abiding Rural Iowans would push back against him & this is why Sam Seder & his ilk want you disarmed. They want you & your family defenseless (don’t forget, treat all police as criminals so their funding can be cut & their ranks thinned) so they can be murdered by these miscreants. All Fascist dictators wind up murdering (or attempting to) those who refuse to go along, so Sam Seder needs to disarm America first. I will mention again, Sam Seder doesn’t have the testosterone to be heavy, he’s merely a snitch. Had he lived in 1960s East Germany, he would’ve been a snitch for the Stasi. Being a heavy requires testosterone.

Now, let us look at some more statewide state in uber-white, uber-Republican areas that have NIBRS data going back quite a while. The sociopaths in the Black Lives Matter/Democrat camp complain about guns a lot, but it’s their supporters usually wielding them illegally. They really don’t care about that as I’ve said, they simply want their opponents disarmed so they can gin-up their “I have nothing to lose base” to go out & commit gratuitous acts of violence. Basically, do what they want or they burn the town down, the citizens are disarmed & there aren’t enough cops to stop them. Idaho has been contributing to NIBRS for a long time & became “Shall-Issue” way back in 1990 (no permit required since 2016). This is another reason the U.S. murder rate began dropping like a rock in the mid-1990s. We started tossing violent lunatics in prison & throwing away the key. A huge number of states over the past few decades have enacted laws that make it easier for law-abiding folks to carry firearms & protect themselves from people who listen to the Sam Seder Show while sitting around smoking cigarettes in their taxpayer-funded apartment.

From 1985 to the present, Idaho’s murder rate has never even come close to the U.S. average & is usually under 3 per 100,000 even though there are guns aplenty there. If you try to rob someone, rape someone, carjack someone in Idaho you may be gambling w/ your life. Mentally-ill people like Shannon Watts or Stacey Abrams would like you to be unarmed so your kids can be assaulted and/or killed.

Idaho (FBI, 1992-2001): Of the 311 KNOWN murder locations, 66.88% (208) were a “residence/home” & 24.11% (75) were “outside.”

Idaho (FBI, 1992-2001): Of the 291 KNOWN murder weapons, 51.89% (151) were a “firearm/gun.”

NATIONAL FBI DATA 1992-2001: Of the 9,083 KNOWN murder locations, (5,371) were a “residence/home” & 28.64% (2,602) were “outside.”

NATIONAL FBI DATA 1992-2001: Of the 8,832 KNOWN murder weapons, 63.34% (5,595) were a “firearm.”

Idaho (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 165 known murder locations, 66.06% (109) were a “residence/home” & 23.03% (38) were “outside.”

Idaho (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 153 known murder weapons, 64.05% (98) were a “firearm/gun.”

As you can see, uber-white, gun-laden, no universal background checks Idaho has a much smaller % of murders committed w/ a firearm, relative to the national average & you are less likely to be murdered outside.

Montana is another state that would likely have “loose gun laws” (and see the link above & all its archived versions to read about these decisions) & enacted “shall-issue” in 1991. However, MT did not contribute heavily to NIBRS until 2005. Montana also lacks universal background checks that will result in lists of gun owners, so the Nazis know who has them & that’s bad according to… Nazis.

MT (FBI, 2005-2014): Of the 109 KNOWN murder locations, 65.13% (71) were a “residence/home” & 30.27% (33) were “outside.”

MT (FBI, 2005-2014): Of the 189 KNOWN murder weapons, 51.85% (98) were a “firearm.”

Montana (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 181 KNOWN murder locations, (118) were a “residence/home” & 24.3% (44) were “outside.”

Montana (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 163 KNOWN murder weapons, 47.85% (78) were a “firearm.”

FBI NATIONAL DATA 2005-14: 17,168 KNOWN murder locations, 57.92% (9,945) are a “residence/home” & 28.1% (4,825) were “outside.”

FBI NATIONAL DATA 2005-14: 30,703 KNOWN murder weapons, 67.62% (20,763) are a “firearm.” No signal on the murders outside (MT was slightly higher), but much more likely nationwide to be murdered w/ a firearm in MT. Perhaps it could be because would-be Democrat terrorists are met by an armed populace?

Sam Seder & his groomer ilk do not like an armed citizenry because they tend to push back against Nazis.

Iowa became “shall-issue” in 2011 (FBI, 2012-21, I already covered this nationally above, compare & discuss!): 670 known murder locales, 58.95% (395) are a “residence/home” & 31.04% (208) are “outside.”

Iowa (FBI, 2012-21): 614 KNOWN murder weapons, 61.07% (375) are a “Firearm/gun.” In both those cases, in the low-murder rate, plenty of guns Hawkeye State you are far less likely to be murdered outside & w/ a firearm than nationally. Is Iowa too, ummm “White” for you groomerCrats?

Utah became “shall-issue” in 1995 but did not begin contributing extensively to NIBRS until much later. UT has a murder rate that is typically much lower than the national rate. #blacklivesmatter

UTAH (FBI, 2005-14): 236 known murder locales, 65.25% (154) are a “residence/home” & 25.84% (61) were “outside.”

UTAH (FBI, 2005-14): 388 KNOWN murder weapons, 50.77% (197) are a “Firearm.” You are far less likely in uber-white, uber-safe, gun-toting UT to be murdered outside & w/ a firearm than nationally. Gee, I wonder why?

I would like to ask the Kiddie Groomers a question: If Utah had a “high murder rate”, but only say, 35% of murders were committed w/ a firearm, would that be bad or good, considering your obsession w/ guns?

If Utah’s % of murders w/ a firearm go up every year for the next decade, but their murder rate falls each of those years slightly, is that bad or good? Utah also shuns universal background checks & by golly, their murder rate is nothing like what we see in Democrat-run dungholes across this country.

West Virginia became “shall-issue” in 1989 but did not begin contributing extensively to NIBRS until much later. Unlike Iowa, they have seen massive fluctuations in their murder rate since 1985. Part of that might be their massive drug overdose death rate. Yes West Virginia, there is a massive drug problem in your state.

WV (FBI, 2000-2009. NO LOCATION data for this time frame): Of the 575 known murder weapons, 59.13% (340) were a “firearm/gun.”

FBI NATIONAL DATA 2000-2009: 23,677 KNOWN murder weapons, 65.75% (15,569) are a “firearm/gun.”

WV (became Constitutional Carry in 2016 – FBI 2017-21): Of the 454 KNOWN murder locations, 64.75% (294) were a “residence/home” & 27.31% (124) were “outside.”

WV (became Constitutional Carry in 2016 – FBI 2017-21): Of the 403 KNOWN murder weapons, 67.74% (273) were a “firearm/gun.” On both those metrics, WV was lower (lower % of murders w/ a gun & lower % of murders outside) than the national average.

West Virginia is another state that is naughty according to the Nazis, they do not have universal background checks. Kansas became “shall-issue” in 2006 & “constitutional carry” in 2015 (FBI, 2007-2016): Of the 448 known murder locations, 68.52% (307) were a “residence/home” & 20.08% (90) were “outside.”

Kansas (FBI, 2007-16): Of the 619 KNOWN murder locales, 59.61% (369) were a “firearm/gun.”

NATIONAL DATA 2007-16: Of the 25,849 KNOWN murder locations, 57.03% (14,743) were a “residence/home” & 34.65% (8,958) were “outside.”

National Data 2007-16: Of the 32,805 KNOWN murder weapons, 68.56% (22,494) were a “firearm/gun.” On both counts, you are less likely in KS to be murdered w/ a firearm & less likely to be murdered outside than nationally. KS’ murder rate was much lower in that time frame than the US average. Is KS too white to be put in that contest Demoncrats? Too white & too many law-abiding rural folks carrying guns?

Kansas (FBI, 2017-21, This is their “constitutional carry” period): Of the 430 known murder locations, 60.69% (261) were a “residence/home” & 26.97% (116) were “outside.”

Kansas (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 394 known murder weapons, 70.81% (279) were a “firearm.” On both those counts, you are less likely to be murdered outside & w/ a firearm in KS than nationally. And remember that KS typically has a murder rate much lower than the national average. Hey Pedocrats, is KS too white? Maybe too full of guns to compare?

Let’s cover Ohio, shall we? (FBI 2005-14, OH became “shall-issue” in 2004): Of the 1,783 known murder locales, 54.29% (968) were a “residence/home” & 39.09% (697) were “outside.”

Ohio (FBI 2005-14): Of the 3,335 known murder weapons, 74.84% (2,496) were a “firearm/gun.” On those metrics, OH was actually worse than the national average & likely because of those diverse, Democrat-leaning jurisdictions where murder is common (Akron, Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, etc. I covered OH & those jurisdictions from 2017-21 above).

Maine (FBI, 2017-21) became “constitutional carry” in 2015 & it might be too darn white for Democrats, let us run the numbers anyways. We all know that after “constitutional carry” was passed in ME, the streets ran red. Wait, they didn’t. Maybe it’s because ME is largely rural, largely white & does not have inner-cities full of fatherless kids slaying each other on a daily basis.

Maine (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 50 known murder locations, 76% (38) were a “residence/home” & 16% (8) were “outside.”

Maine (FBI, 2017-21): Of the 46 known murder weapons, 60.86% (28) were a “firearm/gun.” ME’s murder rate is much lower than the national average & you are far, far less likely to be murdered w/ a firearm & have it occur “outside” than you are nationally. How about New Hampshire? They were “shall-issue” before it was cool & have been “constitutional carry” since 2017. First, state data.

NH (State Data 2012-2021, “Murder, Weapon Type”): Of the 185 KNOWN murder weapons, 47.56% (88) were a “Firearm/gun.”

NH (State Data 2012-2021): Of the 194 KNOWN murder locales, 64.94% (126) were a “residence/home” & 25.25% (49) were “outside.”

NH (FBI, 2012-21): Of the 178 KNOWN murder locations, 71.91% (128) were a “residence/home” & 18.53% (33) were “outside.”

NH (FBI, 2012-21): Of the 167 KNOWN murder weapons, 49.7% (83) were a “firearm/gun.” In gun-laden, uber-white NH, you are far less likely (relative to the national avg.) to be murdered outside & w/ a firearm. State data jives well w/ FBI data, except the latter has a much higher % of murders taking place in a “residence.”

Maybe it’s not the guns, it’s the culture & the lunatics wielding them. Either Sam Seder is retarded (he is mentally-ill by his own admission, despite that he was handed a lot of white privilege from daddy) & thinks confiscating firearms from everyone means hood rats will no longer acquire black market firearms or maybe he’s Soviet sleazeball who realizes we can’t institute a Soviet-style government w/ all these gunowners around.

In NH & nationally, it’s harder for Soviets & fatherless BLM terrorists to murder “the sheep” when the sheep are armed. Sam Seder won’t do anything, he’s just a carnival-barker sitting on his fat ass doing nothing productive. He’s just trying to gin-up the pawns to try to intimidate rural gunowners into doing what they want. [Table 4 on all documents] Let’s take a gander at California & they have NOT been NIBRS friendly for long, so I will utilize state data exclusively.

From 2020-2022 of the 6,609 KNOWN murder weapons, 74.29% (4,910) were a “firearm.” From 2020-22, CA’s murder rate skyrocketed relative to the previous decade, remember that. Thanks BLM!

From 2011-2019 of the 15,824 KNOWN murder weapons, 70.53% (11,161) were a “Firearm.” Hells bells folks, California, the land of gun safety, a paragon of gun control saw their murder rate in the latter time frame spike & somehow, there was a much higher % of murders committed w/ a firearm.

From 2005-2010 of the 12,964 KNOWN murder weapons, 72.33% (9,378) were a “Firearm.” The murder rate for this time frame is close to the 2020-22 rate.

These morons are obsessed w/ gun deaths, so I ask again. If California’s murder rate shot up, but the % of firearm murders went down, would that be good? Hello? I wonder if they’ll figure out that scumbags NEVER obey universal background checks or any other nonsense employed by the Stasi to hamstring regular folks from defending themselves.

I know they’ll say California needs more gun laws; they just haven’t gone far enough. Just like when Socialism fails, it wasn’t real socialism, let us try again. The CA reports had no data on murder locations, but did for other crimes, which I am not interested in at this point.

A quick word on the “fact sheet” from Governor Newsom demonstrating that CA’s gun laws are uber-effective. They brag about “mass shootings” being lower in CA.

However, in the graph they supply (and their definition of “mass shooting” includes folks that are merely injured, NOT multiple fatalities) there are several states below CA that have what would be considered “loose gun laws” (ME, IA, ID, KS) & their murder rates are typically on the very low end. ME, KS & ID were also “constitutional carry” for that entire time frame. Yes, their logic is flawed.

There are a few states that have high murder rates (relative to the national average) below California in the graph (OK, KY), so I don’t think that tells us much. If you live in a state where mass shootings are much more common than in California, but the overall murder rate is much lower (and has been for some time, such as WI, WY, SD or MT) is that bad? Again, their logic is flawed.

They also mention CA’s murder rate falling dramatically from 1993-2017. That happened pretty much everywhere as many states moved to “shall-issue” & later “constitutional carry.” We also began in 1994 to lock up lunatics & throw the key away.

Assault weapon bans (whether it be CA’s or the one-size-fits-all Bill Clinton era ban) had virtually nothing to do w/ it.

More people kill themselves w/ a gun than they kill other people, so do we restrict my ability to protect myself from mentally-ill people because someone might use a gun to kill themselves?

No, we should not. Let’s restrict the ownership of cars because people asphyxiate themselves or rope because people hang themselves. Pretending to care about people committing suicide (all while screeching like a banshee over a lack of third trimester abortions & brainwashing little boys into mutilating their genitals) isn’t a good enough reason to allow Leviathan to begin compiling gunowner lists.

I would cover Wyoming, but there’s a dearth of NIBRS data, too bad. I will further demonstrate that Newsom’s graph is silly. North Dakota & South Dakota (the latter having a lot more “mass shootings” than California) are very naughty. They are uber-white, uber-Republican states with “loose gun laws” & you’re all in danger. North Dakota (FBI 2012-21): Of the 159 known murder locations, 66.03% (105) were a “residence/home” & 15.72% (25) were “outside.”

ND (FBI, 2012-21): Of the 154 KNOWN murder weapons, 45.45% (70) were a “firearm.”

South Dakota (FBI, 2012-2021): Of the 203 KNOWN murder locations, 62.06% (126) were a “residence/home” & 28.57% (58) were “outside.”

SD (FBI, 2012-21): Of the 184 KNOWN murder weapons, 41.3% (76) were a “firearm.”

On both of those counts, you are far less likely (Relative to the national avg.) to be murdered w/ a firearm & outside in the Dakotas.

I actually plan on wrapping this up. For the drove of cities that I listed above (and even some states), here are the ones (usually Democrat jurisdictions & usually “diverse”) that had 81% or more of their murders committed w/ a firearm. That is historically high & was likely the main driver to the spike in murders nationally 2020-21.

Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis City, Jackson County (MO), St. Louis County (MO), Cleveland, Toledo, Dayton, Akron, Cincinnati, Columbus (OH), Milwaukee, Kenosha, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Houston (previous 4 lumped en masse), Memphis, Nashville, Brownsville, Chattanooga, Little Rock, North Little Rock, West Memphis, Helena-West Helena (AR), Jacksonville (AR), Pine Bluff, Jonesboro, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Pontiac, Lansing, Inkster, Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Highland Park, Jackson (MI), Wilmington (DE), Louisville, Lexington (KY), Covington (KY), Paducah, Charleston & North Charleston (including Charleston County), Orangeburg, Berkeley, Jasper, Marion, Marlboro, Greenville, Fairfield, Horry & Aiken Counties (all SC), Richmond City, Roanoke City, Norfolk, Danville, Newport News, Petersburg, Hampton, Portsmouth, Fredericksburg (previous 9 VA), Wake County (NC), Charlotte, Guilford County (NC), Cumberland County (NC), Edgecombe County, Rocky Mount, Halifax County, Roanoke Rapids, Vance County, Henderson, Hertford County, Ahoskie, Murfreesboro, Bertie County, Windsor & Warren County (previous 12 all NC), Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, Bridgeport & New Haven (CT) & Springfield (MA).

If FBI data were more plentiful, this list would be much, much larger.

Entire states that could be added to the list: Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Michigan, Delaware, South Carolina, Georgia (only 2 years of data) & North Carolina.

Minneapolis, St. Paul, North Las Vegas, Atlanta, Sandy Springs, Alpharetta, South Fulton, East Point, DeKalb County, Cobb County, Clayton County, & Bibb County (GA) could be added, but less than 3 years of data.

And now to close this. The bi-polar divorcee Sam Seder & the overweight Black Hawk County, Iowa Supervisor Chris Schwartz (among many others, such as Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, #AOC ) want your firearms so you cannot defend yourself from the Black Lives Matter terrorists. Most dictatorial regimes, like the Nazis, like Soviet Russia – engaged in efforts to strip the populace (Karl Marx is often cited as being pro-gun, but only to bring about a revolution for the collective, for “the workers”) of their firearms because dictatorships don’t fare well when the general public is able to defend themselves.

They also compiled lists, which is prohibited here, so they could murder, torture, imprison & harass their political opponents, much like the Democrat Party of today.

“However, well-meaning clauses in the [gun] laws were subsequently used to provide the government with complete control over gun ownership, creating registries of gun and ammunition ownership, which ultimately fell into the hands of the Nazis.”

Black Lives Matter & their terrorists don’t fare well when the general public has the ability to stop their rioting, especially if the (local) police are able to assist them.

The goal of the Democrats is either shoehorn some Executive Order into law that will curtail private ownership for normal folks & use that to compile lists or disarm you, if they can. If that does not work, their intention is to stack the Supreme Court w/ lunatics who will say, “You know what, that 2nd Amendment never really applied to ‘We The People’, so turn them in folks.”

If that doesn’t happen, they’re in a pickle & if it does, they’re in a pickle too, but the latter would be far more damaging to America (and maybe the Democrats, I don’t think they want to sign a new Treaty of Paris acknowledging defeat). All these collectivist regimes of yesteryear, once they disarmed the general public (aside from the elitists, who will always have security) then the killing began. The Founders realized this, which is why they want a free people armed. If you are disarmed, you are not free.

The Dumocrats fail to realize (or maybe they know this, but need us disarmed to institute Fascism) as I have documented over & over, the problem is not guns, it’s the fatherless HS dropouts on drugs that wield them.

Each state is different, some of them have massive murder issues overall, but those are confined to a few jurisdictions. Some of them, like Iowa – have a very low murder rate, but a few jurisdictions are struggling. Ryan McMaken realizes this & has obviously read a lot of the same data I have.

This is why I have covered so many states in individual videos on my Rumble channel. Minnesota has a murder rate typically lower than the national average & a boatload of counties (as does Iowa) that have <2 murders a year. The problem areas are run by Democrats, Hennepin & Ramsey counties.

Missouri has a boatload of counties that have <2 murders each year. The problem areas are a few counties where Democrats get a lot of votes. Same goes for Virginia & Michigan. Tennessee is rather safe outside a few cities, Memphis & Nashville. Wisconsin is a safe state, so long as you stay out of Milwaukee County. New Jersey is uber-safe, outside of Camden City & Newark. Arkansas has numerous counties with <2 murders each year, but a few “diverse” cities (Pine Bluff, North Little Rock, Little Rock) make it spike. Georgia has a lot of counties that have <2 murders in a given year, but there are a handful of counties where most of the violence is taking place. Most of these places are “diverse” & vote Democrat. The biggest problem in IL is Cook County, the rest of the state, not so much. The list goes on & on.

“Given the very low homicide rates that prevail throughout most of the US, it is clear that enormous swaths of the US population are able to obtain, own, and use firearms freely without turning their cities and towns into war zones.”

I could not have said it better Ryan. Democrats, quit treating every county in Iowa, Idaho, Montana, Maine, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, the Dakotas, Nebraska like the lunatics in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Houston, Dallas, Memphis, St. Louis, New Orleans, Jackson (MS), Cleveland, Wilmington (DE), Philadelphia, Buffalo, Richmond, Portland, etc. Gunowners in Iowa, Idaho, Montana, etc. are not the problem Democrats, your voters are & you are using that as an excuse to institute Nazi-style gun control. #notonmywatch

Read that article by Mark Chesnut, it covers data I have elucidated many times & also debunks (as I have) the so-called “Red State Murder Problem”, parroted by androgynous folks like Brian Tyler Cohen & his gaggle of underemployed lunch meat slicers.

*** Here’s some data on which states do & which states do & do not conduct “universal background checks” & the breadth of those checks, which will do nothing to deter hood rats hell-bent on destruction from purchasing handguns on the black market.

Last time I checked, meth was illegal as the day is long, yet we have people dropping dead & selling that all over this country. Obama’s ATF was compiling gunowner lists

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