64 Swami Prabhupada's conflicting views on PROSTITUTES & Doktorski's 'Gold, Guns & God' book

1 year ago

0:00 – Intro to controversial look on prostitutes, sex life, non-devotees & others mentioned in Swami Prabhupada's purports in the 'Srimad Bhagavatam' & in his conversation
3:20 – Announcing my new murder mystery short story "Soundtrack For a Murder In Maine" (http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com), quote from Canada's Travis Haugen of Guys With Wives band
7:57 – Overview of volume 4 of 'Gold, Guns & God' by Henry Doktorski (https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Guns-God-Bhaktipada-Deviations/dp/B09LGWVL64/), questioning for spiritual growth
11:46 – Reading 'Gold, Guns & God' & excerpt from 'Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1', acceptance of prostitution if for Krishna/by ISKCON members, necessity of prostitutes for society, don't hate prostitutes who are devotees, Krishna Consciousness is for all professions, legalizing prostitution & women becoming prostitutes cause its legal
25:24 – Husbands using prostitutes destroys lives of wives/sisters/daughters, women with freedom become prostitutes but marriage is prostitution
35:10 – Con't reading 'Gold, Guns & God' & excerpt from 'Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1', Thakura's Bilvamanga & spiritual master/prostitute Cintamani story, emotional unbalanced men going to prostitutes
38:52 – 'Bhagavad Gita' implying prostitution is degraded occupation, caste/varna system criticism
41:41 – Con't reading 'Gold, Guns & God' & excerpt from 'Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1', non-devotees have no good qualities vs degraded prostitutes who are devotees
46:12 – Con't reading 'Gold, Guns & God' & excerpt from 'Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1', reviving 5000 year old Vedic/Hindu society in modern world means legalizing prostitutes today
49:12 – Prostitution is good if for Krishna, seeing prostitute/wife as god, wife as dog makes society worse
57:42 – Husbands not using prostitutes destroys lives of wives/sisters/daughters contradicts earlier ideas, householder men must have sex to work as basis of society, assuming 5000 year old civilization will work today, asking questions is good
1:07:03 – Legalizing prostitutes vs krishna consciousness, catering to addictions
1:11:04 – Closing thoughts on confusion with ISKCON's teachings (see referenced episode on identifying a cult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8nWY9YFwNg)

Live 9/23/2023, unedited and off the cuff.

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
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