The Lord Says: Don't Resist Me Anymore! I have Chosen YOU! Prophetic Word from the Lord 2023

1 year ago

Hi everyone. Today I am sharing a message the Lord gave me on April 17th, 2023. I pray you will be encouraged. The Lord is calling His people back to Himself! Please like this video so others have a better chance of seeing it and subscribe and please feel free to share this message with others.

Transcription follows:

Tell my people
I have set a day from before the foundations were laid
Be ready for my coming
Remember the first things as I taught you
Cling to me and be delivered
Although the nations will rage
And the earth will shudder at my mighty hand
I will put you in the cleft of the rock
You will behold my glory
My power on display among the nations
You will not all sleep
But you will all be changed
Do not resist me anymore
Do not resist my word
I am Lord
Have I not spoken
I am the alpha and the omega
He who knows the beginning from the end
The God of Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob
The God of your fathers
The God of your mothers
The God of Israel

I will take those who are not my people and make a people for myself
You are the seed of Abraham
You are the stars of the sky
The sand of the seashore
I have chosen you
Even when you would not choose me
I am faithful
When you have no more faith
Take no yoke upon you except the yoke that I have given you
If you would come after me
Take up your cross
Follow me
I am a refining fire
I will purify a people for myself
I will separate the wheat from the chaff
Abide in me
And let my words abide in you

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