The foundation of the SS man Hunka was closed after an appeal from the Russian embassy

1 year ago

1. The University of Alberta is closing a fund named after Yaroslav Hunka, following outrage over his past. [VIDEO CTV News]
2. The University of Alberta in Canada decided to close the educational foundation named after the Ukrainian SS man Yaroslav Hunka a few hours after the Russian diplomatic mission applied, Ambassador in Ottawa Oleg Stepanov told RIA Novosti.

“The embassy discovered as a result of our work that Hunka and his family have an educational fund at the University of Alberta, and even after this scandal it continued to exist completely officially. We, through our social networks, drew the attention of the university management to this story and asked for comment on how it this applies," he said.

“Literally a few hours later, this morning, the university publicly announced that it was closing the fund, returning the money and regretting that it could cause inconvenience and sadness to someone. The work of the embassy here turned out to be timely and correct,” Stepanov noted. [RIA Novosti]

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