DS EBS Test Oct 4th; Marina Abramović, Satanic Witch, Ukraine Ambassador; Flu Bomb Recipe

1 year ago

Shofar Blast Links - September 28, 2023

This is Just Breaking - Republican State Treasurer Kimberly Yee has announced she is currently the Acting Governor of Arizona, Katie Hobbs is no longer the Governor as of now for unknown reasons.

The 5G Deep State EBS Test on October 4th– From MJ Truth
5G Planned Marburg Zombie Epidemic? A lot of y’all been asking me about this, so here’s a rundown & my thoughts.
Military Attorney Todd Callender & his research team & thousands of whistleblowers point to a planned Marburg Epidemic, paid for by tax payer dollars in the Prep Act.
Inside the lipid Nanoparticles from the vaccines are sealed chimeric pathogens — including E. coli, Marburg, Ebola, & different pathogens can be released by different frequencies pulsed through a 5G Network. When they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal for one minute, three different times as a pulse, it would cause those lipid nano-particles to swell & release these pathogenic contents.

The #1 side effect (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34616129/) of the Pfizer is to delete the 1P36 gene, which will turn people into zombies.
1P36 Gene Deletion (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356285388_Psychiatric_Comorbidities_in_1p36_Deletion_Syndrome_and_Their_Treatment-A_Case_Report) is a disease with zombie-like symptoms, that make a person aggressive, with a propensity to bite.

In 2011, the CDC (https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/6023/cdc_6023_DS1.pdf) published “Preparedness 101: for a Zombie Apocalypse” The CDC said it used popular cultural reference to zombies to promote preparedness for different emergencies and disasters.

In 2011, “CONPlan8888-11 Counter Zombie Dominance” (https://www.stratcom.mil/Portals/8/Documents/FOIA/CONPLAN_8888-11.pdf?ver=2016-10-17-114016-887) was published. US Strategic Command.

On October 4, (Back-Up Date October 11) 2:22 ET, (https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230803/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-2023) FEMA and FCC will are conducting a National Emergency Alert — It is believed this test will be used to send a high frequency signal through devices (smart phones, radios, & TV’s) with the intention to activate Graphene Oxide and other nanoparticles received through the vaccines.

Did you know Joe Biden (https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/us-fcc-bans-equipment-sales-imports-zte-huawei-over-national-security-risk-2022-11-25/)

The Federal Reserve Note is no longer showing on the US Debt Clock (show post) https://t.me/phil_godlewskii/13902

OK Last Week it was Illegalities in Michigan, Now Wisconsin

Tucker and Texas Attorney General Paxton on Stolen Election

Tucker Again Listen

Ukraine…Guess who Zelensky wants as Ambassador to Ukraine?

Zelensky taps Crowleyite Satanic Witch, Marina Abramovic to be Ambassador for Ukraine.

Jesse Waters on Lousy Fauci

Amazing Info from FrontLine Doctors on Prevention and how to remedy the spike proteins from the jabs
So recapping - How to Detoxify Spike Proteins Caused by the Vaccines from Your Body

1.) Ivermectin - Binds tightly to spike protein. It can prevent the virus from entering the cells, and it can prevent the virus from replicating.
2.) Suramin - Like ivermectin, it prevents spike protein from binding to ACE2 receptors.
3.) NAC - Powerful antioxidant. Reduces the damage that happens after toxicity and has been shown to be able to restore damaged cells back to their normal state.
4.) Catechin and Curcumin - They have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Hmmm Hydroxychloroquine being used in Hospitals to treat

Cold/Flu/Covid Bomb Recipe

News on Evergrande

The UN is Finished – (vid 1:30) https://t.me/qthestormrider777/17481

The Black Community is Awakening

A new name is coming soon -- Awakened Truth

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