Jessica Rabbit's Late Night Rehearsal

1 year ago

I like to practice machinima with a theme, and this time the theme was 'sexy'. I haven't done a piece that was focused on sex appeal yet, and the only person I could think to mimic was was the diva herself - Jessica Rabbit. And the HOTTEST song ever, 'Fever' from Peggy Lee. :)

BeSpoke's cool new rabbit head released at Vintage Fair seemed like a neat fit TA DA!

If you've been following along from these little #wip projects I do, I try and 'post whatever I have after 7 days'. I cheated on this one and went 14 days (to buy the Rabbit head).... but you'll find a few little easter eggs in there that I didn't have time to 'fix and film over' and still make my 14 day deadline.

I hope you enjoy this glimpse into a private 'behind closed doors' rehearsal between Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit. :) #secondlife style ! :) Be warned.... it gets progressively more 'naughty' as the video goes on....but nothing -too- bad. I promise.

No one paid me to do this, but just in case you are interested in anything you see or hear in the video, check out the credits below! :)

CREDITS: Song: "Fever" by Peggy Lee

Red Glitter Bodysuit: Salt & Pepper

Hair: Stealthic Rabbit Head: Rabbit Shirt: BRON

Shirt-Red/23343070 Double Bass: Stage & Stage Lighting:

Dutchie (This is STILL my favorite lighting set ever! I hope she makes more eventually!)

Production of Bay City Studios - Filmed on the Mainland

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