Taoist freemasonry, Alex Jones and Zagami - Part 1

1 year ago

Taoist freemasonry, Alex Jones and Zagami - Part 1 - Reupload

Original upload link https://archive.org/details/zirzamin28_yahoo_Tao1

An analysis of ISIS, Afghanistan, Mulla Omar, and of course the Taoist agenda of Leo Zagami, Alex Jones/Bill Hicks and others.

The ideology of the Taoist freemasons exposed for the first time.

This group is also known as the "Knights of Malta" and much of the alternative media work for this group (such as Alex Jones and Zagami).

The TV is run by the Jews and the Illuminati, the Taoists wanted to gain recruits into their groups using the Internet, after they failed they increased censorship and eventually merged with the Illuminati recently (as we can clearly see today in 2017).

The reason why there was some limited freedom and actual alternative information available from the 1990s until around 2012 was because of the differences between the secret societies which created a vacuum of freedom, but after the Taoist agenda failed and what they expected didn't happen on 2012, they have agreed to really set up a police state and simply lie and pretend like it doesn't exist.

Many dont know that the Fema camps and everything Alex Jones and other Taoist agents were warning us about over 10 years ago are NOW HERE, Obama actually set up the Fema camps and we are now literally living under a police state, however the Taoists have no joined the Illuminati which is why they refuse to expose it, and are instead even defending the government now (with the excuse of Trump supposedly being different from Obama, even though Alex Jones used to say that the elections are controlled...!)

On Infowars they are now also pretending like Fema isn't arresting anyone yet and claiming that freedom is increasing and that the media is becoming more honest WHEN IN REALITY THE EXACT OPPOSITE IS HAPPENING.
The news is becoming more and more fake, and all real conspiracy researchers are being arrested or at least censored (if they are living outside of America).
The news has gone from being biased and distorting facts to completely lying about almost every single event and completely manufacturing stories out of nothing (they used to lie about the details, now they just fabricate news out of thin air and have made the truth illegal with the excuse that it's "offensive" to tell the truth!)

This is also why Al-Emarah Studio (who pretend to work for the Taliban) are stabbing the Taliban in the back by promoting ISIS and Jondollah and censoring the real leaders of the Taliban on their videos and even now saying that 9/11 was really done by Osama bin Laden!!! They have completely changed their narrative just like the alternative media (infowars/Alex Jones) have in recent years.

The ideology of the Taoist freemasons exposed for the first time.

This group is also known as the "Knights of Malta" and much of the alternative media work for this group (such as Alex Jones and Zagami)

You can also watch this video in HD on Zakah1's own Archive account https://archive.org/details/zirzamin28_yahoo_Tao1

Credit to Zakah1, if you want to ask him anything about this video or contact him then here is a link to his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClpkqVQa6dWTsSXpD2R1jTQ/videos & here is a link to his Archive account https://archive.org/details/@zakah1

This video has also been reuploaded on https://www.facebook.com/Zakah1Returns/videos/876358515899853/ &

If this video doesn't play or keeps buffering or doesn't work then you need to download it & then watch it. Here is the link to download it
& here is the link to the HD version if you want to download it in HD https://archive.org/download/zirzamin28_yahoo_Tao1/tao1.mp4

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