James Cameron is possessed by Satan

1 year ago

James Cameron is possessed by Satan - Reupload

Original upload link https://archive.org/details/JamesCameron

James Cameron compared with what the Islamic Hadith and the Bible say about the devils...
Also the number 42 numerology used by James Cameron and on WWF (I made this video on YouTube before Zachary K Hubbard appeared with all his numerology videos and started spreading confusion about this topic. Numbers really are used as a subliminal message but Zachary K Hubbard exaggerates and even uses double standards and transliterations from other languages to confuse people... for example he claims that Islam is also part of this agenda and uses the numerology for the name MOHAMMED... however the prophet of Islam is actually called MOHAMMAD (with an A) in Arabic (some also wrongly write Muhammed which is also wrong). So the point is that he picks and chooses things to suit his narrative and of course this was done originally by the media/government/education system to fit things in with their numerology ideology (which is connected to the Kabbalah).

For example this is why the GHORAAN is written as "Qur'an" instead.
The holy book of Islam can be written as:
Ghoraan, Goraan, Goronn, but instead they have changed the G to a Q and the O to a U and the AAN or ONN into AN and made a completely different word (likewise Muslim should be written as MOSLEM and Islam as ESLAAM).

Another word they completely messed up is Iraq (Eraagh). Do you know why? Think about it, who were the terrorist enemies several decades ago?
Remember the Irish IRA?And the NRA? Notice both "terrorist organizations" have the letters RA in them...
Then what happened? The revolution in Iran (Eronn or Persia)... and the beginning of fake staged terrorism everywhere funded by Iran (supposedly) especially in Lebanon. Then there were several wars involving Iraq and finally the invasion of Iraq in 2003...


They all have a RA in common... and we know Freemasonry is linked to the pagan religion of Egypt who called the Creator God "RA"!

So it's interesting that the ENEMY of the west always has the letters RA in their name, the same letters used for God (the original Creator) in ancient Egypt!

But notice there's no RA in Afghanistan or Osama bin Laden etc.
This is why you hardly see or hear anything about Afghanistan on the media despite the massive war there since 2001 (involving 80 countries). This is because the war on Afghanistan was NOT planned and is actually a real war, (which is why disinformation agents often try to say it's fake or try to ignore it).

The war on Afghanistan only began because the Zionists failed to control the Mojahideen there (using USA/Saudi and Iran/Russia)

You can also watch this video in HD on Zakah1's own Archive account https://archive.org/details/JamesCameron

Credit to Zakah1, if you want to ask him anything about this video or contact him then here is a link to his YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClpkqVQa6dWTsSXpD2R1jTQ/videos & here is a link to his Archive account https://archive.org/details/@zakah1
This video has also been reuploaded on https://www.facebook.com/Zakah1Reuploads/videos/180328995958512/ &

If this video doesn't play or keeps buffering or doesn't work then you need to download it & then watch it. Here is the link to download it
& here is the link to the HD version if you want to download it in HD https://archive.org/download/JamesCameron/james%20cameron.mp4

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