Fake "Climate Emergency" Will Facilitate The Imposition Of Climate Tyranny

1 year ago

Former US government insider, Marc Morano: The imminent declaration of a "climate emergency" will enable unelected globalists to use Covid tyranny as a template for climate tyranny—including climate lockdowns, flight bans, meat bans, energy rationing, and the collapse of transportation and agriculture.

"They've laid it out very clearly why the establishment, why the ruling class wants a climate emergency, because it's going to limit us in ways that we haven't seen since the height of Covid."

Watch the full interview: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/exposing-the-wefs-plans-to-shape-the-economic-future-of-the-world-marc-morano-5488869?utm_source=prtnrhard&utm_campaign=wideawake_media&src_src=partner&src_cmp=wideawake_media

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