Let Us Confuse Their Language: Full Metal Ox Day 943

1 year ago

Full Metal Ox Day 943
Renaissance Year Episode 1008

Let Us Confuse Their Language

We talk. We speak. We listen, sometimes. We hear. We converse. And most of the time we take it all for granted. We don't know where the words came from or whether we're using them the way they were originally meant to be used.
Communication is a tricky activity. It's what makes TV sit-coms so funny. "These pretzels are making me thirsty."
The top video on this channel is titled, "Nice and Naughty." It's probably number one because the thumbnail features Marilyn Monroe. Or the curious expect something titillating. It's about language and how neither of those words mean what most people think they mean. In fact it can be stated that "nice people don't know what nice means. And that's what makes them nice."
As we mentioned, or at least alluded to in part one, "System Dominance" language is an intricate element of control in the program.
In the hood it's not unusual to hear some declare that they "feel some kinda way." There may be a word for it, but they don't have it. There may have been a word for it, that has been eliminated from the lexicon, and possibly replaced by a word that suppresses an action that would usually follow that feeling.
"Whatever." Dismissed an emotion that might be beneficial to growth or health. You'll never know because you dismissed it.
In case you haven't been paying attention, or are a part of the movement, the THEY are attempting to remove gender descriptions from the lexicon.
It's been said that the Inuit aka Eskimos, (another word in danger of elimination) have over a hundred words to describe snow. I think it is the Russians that recognize and describe more shades of blue than other people. For example, and I'm just making this up, a Russian might describe a shade of blue than an American might describe as a shade of grey. Both mean that rain is imminent.
The point is, that language controls how we perceive the system. And it's important. Consider the difference between what Yanks call a "vacation" and Brits call "making a holiday". Who could make a holy day when the church ruled England?
If you read it, you probably get it by now. You'll innerstand the title and the connection to part one.
Let's go to the playground. Besides a new challenge for the fourth quarter of Renaissance Year, there are some curious activities on roofs and in the sky.
Have a stupendous weekend.

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