Captain Commando Readjusted Editor (CCREE), Randomizer Kind Test, キャプテンコマンドー

1 year ago

Captain Commando Readjusted (captre) - キャプテンコマンドー

Today I will show you a new test of the randomizer, now it is a test of a random profile (random difficulty) called Kind, it is meant to be the easiest difficulty of the randomizer.
It will still suffer a few changes, but mostly of what is show in the video will be how this difficulty will behave, suffering only minor changes like bug fixes and new features being added.
At the final boss area, a bug happened that made the game stop spawning objects and enemies, I know this bug happen with some enemies with specific postures spawning and bugging the whole enemy spawn code, I hope I can fix this bug soon.
As the tests happens, less and less bugs and details need to be fixed, when the tool is solid enough, I will release a 0.1 version of Captain Commando Readjusted Editor (CCREE).

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