Response to Shias story of Omar insulting the Prophet

1 year ago

Response to Shias story of Omar insulting the prophet and preventing him from writing his will - Reupload

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Did Umar prevent the Prophet from writing his will response to Shias?

Did 'Omar ibn Khattaab (ra) really prevent the prophet (pbuh) from writing his will and insult him? This video explains that this entire story is fabricated and false since it contradicts the Ghor'aan (Koran).

This video also shows that the prophet (pbuh) in fact made Abu Bakr (ra) his successor according to Sonni books, but the Shia scholars lie and claim that Sonnis and Shias both agree that Abu Bakr (ra) wasnt chosen by the prophet!!!

This video shows that according to Sahih Bokhari, Sonan Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah, Abu Bakr (ra) was actually supposed to become the Caliph.

There is a story that says Umar ibn Khattaab (ra) allegedly prevented the Prophet (pbuh) from writing his will and the story also implies that Umar (ra) even insulted the Prophet (pbuh). This is the strongest argument Shias use against Sonnis and I've never actually seen Sonnis winning the debate on this topic (although the Shias lose the debate most of the time on other topics) so this is probably their strongest argument.

This video proves that the entire story is fabricated because it contradicts the Goraan (Quran/Koran) and it also contradicts another Hadith in Sahih Bokhari and another in Sonan Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah which clearly state that Abu Bakr (ra) was supposed to become the Caliph.

You can also watch this video in HD on Zakah1's own Archive account

Credit to Zakah1, if you want to ask him anything about this video or contact him then here is a link to his YouTube channel
& here is a link to his Archive account

This video has also been reuploaded on &

If this video doesn't play or keeps buffering or doesn't work then you need to download it & then watch it. Here is the link to download it
& here is the link to the HD version if you want to download it in HD

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