14.12.22. Midweek Musings with Fi & Sam.

1 year ago

14.12.22. Midweek Musings with Fi & Sam. It's our Midweek Muse-iversary! We look back at what we were chatting about this time last year in our first Musings (vax mandates and passports had both just been passed in the UK) and what's going on now, including the latest 'simulated pandemic scenario' brought to you by the same psychopaths who uncannily 'predicted' the convid 'outbreak' in 'Event 201' a couple of months before anybody had even heard of Wuhan. Clearly 'Event 202' wasn't a hysterical, terror-tinged enough name for this predictive programming sesh which is titled 'Catastophic Contagion' - coming to a country near you in 2024! In this case forewarned is indeed forearmed as the (obs)elites are clearly planning their next totalitarian stride (the tiptoe is well and truly abandoned at this point) disguised as 'saving humanity' while actually attempting to wipe out most of it and crush those left into a permanently enslaved underclass. But fear not, all is not lost! As we have said from the start, this entire shit show depends on our compliance. When enough if us say no it's over! Have a great rest of the week everyone. Much love, Fi & Sam. x

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