22.12.22. Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam.

1 year ago

22.12.22. Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam.
The non-conformists are VITAL in this battle! We have a pre-Christmas chat about the human tendency that has been weaponised and used against us in an attempt to bring us all 'into line' as obedient slaves: social conformity. It's something that seems to affect large swathes of our worldwide population but it's not all bad news! We have seen how this hive mind behaviour can be broken when those 'radicals' the non-conformists amongst us act as 'permission givers' to those not courageous enough to go against the tide alone. NEVER doubt the impact on the whole of every individual who refuses to go against their innate sense of right and wrong; the ripple effect is real and the power of embodying sovereignty and truth immeasurable. So keep standing strong all you truth warriors! The Stands who understand this continue to be a very visible and reliable presence in their parks every Sunday, a beacon of light during dark days and a refuge for anybody who is ready to meet their tribe and begin sending out their own ripples! Have a WONDERFUL break regardless of whether you 'do' Christmas or not. Enjoy a restful, restorative and very happy hiatus and we'll see you next week for a look back over the last year as we prepare to enter 2023! Much love, Fi & Sam. x

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