Aug 7, 2016 ❤️ Jesus says... I grant you 3 more Years... CONDITIONALLY

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Jesus says… I grant you 3 more Years… CONDITIONALLY

August 7, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began… Well, my precious Heartdwelling family, the Lord has moved His Merciful hand once again. We have been faithful to pray, fast and repent and He has chosen to delay the horror of a nuclear war.

I had begun worship earlier in the evening and He called me to write down a personal message and I started to get sleepy by the end of it. So, He asked me to get a nap.

When I went to lay down, I saw Him to my right and He said… ‘Three years’. Repeating Himself two times. I determined to discern that word when I woke up. As I came in and sat down to be with Him, He began speaking to me…

(Jesus) “I am with you and I have been speaking to you. Thank you for trusting Me and listening.”

(Clare) So, we have three years?

(Jesus) “That’s correct – provided prayer and repentance and fast offerings continue. I really want to see conversion. Conversion of hearts and attitudes. And this is what’s happening.”

(Clare) Lord, You know I’m gonna get stoned for this?

(Jesus) “And what is that to you? You will be with Me sooner.”

(Clare) Oh, thank You! What a way to go! Are you setting a date for the Rapture, Lord?

(Jesus) “No. I am telling you that if prayer and sacrifice with repentance continue, I will hold off the worst of World War 3, and you will have time to create and do what is on your heart for the Kingdom. I am opening a window no one can shut. But it continues to be dependent on the faithfulness of My People, not just in America, but around the world.”

“Russia is a mighty praying force, Clare. Indeed, they do not want war. After so many years of poverty and stifling oppression, they are beginning to enjoy their lives. They are sick of war.”

(Clare) That means no EMP attacks, Lord?

(Jesus) “Clare, now is not the time to be curious, My Love. Now is the time to be grateful.”

(Clare) Oh Jesus! I am grateful!

(Jesus) “Let me explain it to you this way. There are those among you who have been biding their time for the Rapture and not serving Me with their whole hearts. I am giving them another chance. They have three years to show their love for Me with deeds not just words.”

“The others among you have already been making plans and I am blessing them and opening doors that have never been opened to them before. This message will give them a measure of peace, that what they’ve started, they do indeed have time to finish. These are things that I want to do with them, for the Kingdom.”

“At the end of three years, we will take another look and see what the climate is. How much repentance has taken place, how many laws have been rescinded – abortion, for example – and how people have turned their hearts back to Me.”

“Nevertheless, this is CONDITIONAL on continuing prayer. But I will say, there are substantial changes in hearts and attitudes around the world. People are waking up to the hidden giant that has been positioning itself to consume the nations and dominate the world, stealing their freedoms, their cultures and forcing them into a meat grinder. Yet, there will be jostling between the communist nations and continued terrorism.”

“In this moment, the Elite are making alternative plans, as this grassroots movement has gotten out of hand. Please, do not misunderstand Me… The continuation of this opportunity will only happen if you continue to pray, repent and sacrifice.”

(Clare) Lord, what about these great catastrophes that are prophesied and what You told me about the comet?

(Jesus) “I’m going to decline to answer you right now, Dear One. There are things set in motion and there are delays, as well. Just understand that I have these things in My control. What was to happen two years ago, can easily be delayed or changed completely in the arms of My Mercy.”

“Yet, America has many difficulties to pass through and the people have made their will known: they want to change. And so, does it not make sense to give them time to make these changes without a world-altering catastrophe?”

(Clare) He looked at me very tenderly, His eyes full of compassion. And He rarely looks at me that clearly, so that I really see Him, I really get it. But He did this time.

(Jesus) “I’m not making any promises to you, but I am saying this: you know My Mercy, you know My Love for souls. You may draw your conclusions from this information. You know Me, Clare.”

(Clare) Indeed, He is merciful and long-suffering. Far more so than we can comprehend. Isn’t it amazing? Let’s really put our hearts and deeds into this time left to us.

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