Funny video of boy playing with duck 🦆😂 please follow me 🙏🏻#viral #rumble #trendinginrumble

1 year ago

Funny video of boy playing with duck 🦆😂 please follow me 🙏🏻#viral #rumble #trendinginrumble
Working with Kaius to reach his developmental milestones is my top priority. We focus on his nutrition, weight gain, physical abilities, and gross motor skills. He's already rolling over, crawling, and grabbing objects intentionally. Our latest exercise involves strengthening his legs so he can stand. I take my role as his caretaker and teacher seriously, and I'm excited to watch him grow into a strong and beautiful silverback.

They modified the truck by completely cutting off the back so they could utilize the force of gravity. The truck is designed for retrieving seaplanes from the water and requires the front bed for attachment and the ability to pull it out while maintaining weight in the vehicle portion! Have you seen something like this before?

Just wait until the end of this video - it gets funnier with each passing second!

Jack the Cat & Maddie the Great Dane are always interested in Mom's home projects. Watch & laugh as Jack checks out the pumpkins & gourds fall decor, while Maddie offers up her opinion that the decorating could use a little rainbow color from her puppy ball. I think Jack rolls his eyes at Maddie's decorating style. Mom is already rummaging around in the costume closet

Stargazers are bizarre fish with heads that look more like frogs than they do fish. Their eyes and their mouths are pointed upwards due to the way that they capture their prey. They have a row of formidable looking teeth on each jaw that are pointed and razor sharp. They bury themselves in the loose sand with only their eyes protruding. They watch until the smaller fish swim unwittingly over their mouth. Then they lunge forward and upwards, inhaling their prey.
There are about 51 species of stargazers. Some have ribbon-like pieces of flesh that they can wiggle like a lure to attract prey. Stargazers range in size from 18-90 cm. (8-35 inches). A few species have organs that are adapted to deliver an electric shock as a means of defense. These fish do not possess electroreceptors like fish that use electric sensory organs to locate prey. They are all venomous with several venomous spines located on their back and pectoral fin area.
Stargazers are a delicacy in some cultures. The venom is not poisonous when eaten. Stargazers can deliver both venom and electric shocks. This, together with their appearance has caused them to be referred to as "the meanest things in creation". But in reality, they are fascinating animals that use the gifts and abilities that they were given for survival.

He really has a talent for music! So funny and adorable!

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