Introduction to the Bonded Voices Podcast

1 year ago

Welcome to the Bonded Voices Podcast. Where we lift men up to be happier, healthier, wiser; more connected through conversations and more engaged with their families, friends and community. Why? Because good men make the world a better place. 

How do you create a support group of men with shared values and interests—a braintrust of experiences and advice? Start with inviting friends for coffee on a regular basis. 

What are friends, best friends, and acquaintances? We explore these questions and other interesting topics for men like sports, religion, ai, technology, politics, real estate, investing, family, relationships, and more. We encourage you to recreate the camaraderie that existed in school in your sports teams and social circles. As men join the workforce and marry they enter middle age and lose these inputs that make them appealing, vigorous, and exciting.  

Our episodes are getting national attention for all the right reasons. Episode 9 The futility of road rage was lauded by MADD members as being a resource to reduce road deaths and road violence. Podcast Episode 3 How many friends do you have? has talk radio hosts referencing it on their shows and pointing out that it matters. Episode 14: If I Were the Devil-Paul Harvey, Redux, is an evergreen homage to a brilliant mind that even 50 years ago was able to predict the future of America. 

We understand that men need interesting conversations with other men. It is a source of happiness. Suicide amongst middle-aged men is at epidemic proportions. Men need casual conversations and friends who will hold in-trust private conversations. Listening in on conversations teaches us how to engage and grows our conversational wisdom. You can find out how we created our friend’s circle, so you can create yours. Listen to Bonded Voices – Brothers in Conversation. 

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