1 year ago

Jason Loken ND, DO(Q), PhD (Cand) is a respected Naturopathic Doctor and advocate for health sovereignty. With a strong commitment to holistic health and integrative medicine, Dr. Loken believes in the body's innate healing abilities. He helps individuals take control of their well-being by providing comprehensive healthcare solutions that address physical and emotional aspects. With an empathetic approach and a dedication to continual learning, he integrates various modalities like nutrition, homeopathy, and acupuncture into personalized treatment plans. As an acclaimed author and speaker, he tirelessly champions health sovereignty and shares his extensive knowledge of natural health practices with a global audience.

In this clip, Dr. Jason Loken ND explores proposed legislation in Canada and offers practical strategies to effectively resist them. With his vast knowledge and experience, Dr. Loken emphasizes the significance of maintaining hope and taking proactive measures.

**The 2023 World Health Sovereignty Summit, hosted by Sacha Stone is uniting the world's leading medical scientists & health sovereignty advocates in a consensus drive toward ending medical tyranny and pharmaceutical hegemony. Join our standing army for manifesting change and make yourself heard at:

Watch the REPLAY of September 11th 2023 Live Broadcast also via the link above.
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#bigpharma #plandemic #deepstate #ariseguerrillanews #newearthhorizon #wellness
OFFICIAL INSTA HANDLES @ sachastoneofficial @ newearth.horizon.official @ arise_guerrilla_news
Official TELEGRAM CHANNELS @ realsachastone @ ariseGNN @ newearthproject

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