Make the entire world great again Trump 2024

1 year ago

This is an audio compilation of Trumps comments and statements mixed up for a funmercial endorsement of Trump. There is Trump fighting for us all and the free world at the UN with the New World Order types and enemies of freedom everywhere, we need Trump again in 24 to make the entire world be great again. He he they fear this man and when all of us come together we are great and becoming greater than ever. They want to stop us and prevent our greatest time ever it's about to begin and it's right now we're living it so take a stand and go down in history! I am on the right side and so many are wrong it's a very challenging time and the fight constantly against tyranny is never ending battle. I've been deplatformed censored, physically assaulted, robbed, and for the 7th 8th and 9th time now more bank frauds attempting to steal an old man's pension. These pissants are sick bastards whom are nothing but criminal scum of the earth. I will prevail and never going to quit speaking out on the issues that matter. I am reporting as a Journalist shouting the truth from rooftops if need be. The enemies are at the gate!

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