Holistic Treatment For Breast Cancer in Scottsdale, AZ

1 year ago

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Holistic Treatment For Breast Cancer in Scottsdale, AZ
By Dr. Nathan Goodyear
Brio-Medical Cancer Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ
September 25, 2023

Affecting An Estimated 331,530 Women In The United States Each Year, Breast Cancer Remains One Of The Most Well-Known And Common Cancers Experienced. Breast Cancer Is Staged From I To IV With I Through III Describing Varying Degrees Of Localized Cancer, And IV Representing The Metastatic Stage.

The evidence of current medical research confronts us with our present and obviously our immediate future that important vitamin deficiencies and low levels of critical minerals are the reality in a majority of Americans who have lived on an unhealthy processed food diet.

Other findings suggest that more than 60% of cancer cases could be prevented with proper nutrition and supplementation.

The statistics are stark: seven out of every ten Americans will die due to preventable, chronic, inflammatory disease. What is even more important is that research shows that at least 50% could be avoided with timely intervention to assess and modify risk factors.

When we speak of attaining overall wellness, we also need to set and maintain important goals: we have to achieve adequate aerobic capacity, strengthen and tone our muscles, improve our flexibility and elasticity, reach and maintain ideal body weight, enjoy a balanced diet and adopt a healthy lifestyle.


Schedule A Free Consultation to Learn Your Holistic Cancer Treatment Options. Speak to a patient care coordinator today: 480-771-3808

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