A Better Chuck Steak!!! For Keto AND The Instant Pot!!!

1 year ago

I finally made a GREAT Instant Pot Chuck Roast!!

Being on the low carb eating method I like my food to taste really good. Using the Sous Vide Method and also the Instant Pot method, I never was really satisfied with a great meal - now I am!!!!

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My Instant Pot At Best Buy:

BUT WAIT - they have a NEW ONE with a WIDE MOUTH yes yes yes!!

I especially like this camera for my kitchen recordings. it is easy to use and gives a great picture too!
Sony ZV-E10 - buy and look here at Adorama:

A higher priced camera that I would buy RIGHT NOW and WITH a lens is a new Nikon!! It's a new Nikon - buy and look here on Adorama:

This is MY Instant Pot. Yes I highly recommend it for sure, it is at Best Buy!!

Best Buy has the same thing but with Wifi model, but it costs $50 more!!! If you are interested, here it is:

———————Peter’s Other Channels—————————
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My Newest Channel - SWEET SLEEP -

Web site: www.petergregg.com
Email: petergreggonline@aol.com

If you read this far, you deserve a reward! Here is a crazy good product only available at Walmart right now but it is SO SO worth it. It's $9 so it isn't going to break the bank :) I'm so impreessed I WILL BE MAKING A VIDEO ON IT LOL.

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#PeterGregg #PetersKitchen #SweetSleepPeterGregg

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