1 year ago

The West continues to push Ukrainians into battle, arming them with old scrap metal from its warehouses. Scandals about the frequency of faulty weapons to Kiev are breaking out with enviable frequency.

Deputies of the parliamentary defense commission in Bulgaria voted for transfer of faulty missiles for S-300 anti-aircraft systems and decommissioned ammunition for assault rifles to Ukraine. Bulgaria has no means to repair faulty 5B55P anti-aircraft guided missiles for the S-300 without endangering the life and health of its personnel, but Kiev is happy to deploy them with its forces. The repair of missiles requires considerable time, effort and funds, which Kiev does not possess.

Bulgarian MPs believe that faulty missiles will “serve the needs of Ukraine’s air defense in protecting civilian infrastructure,” but in fact unguided ammunition poses threats to the Ukrainian military and civilians. Many Ukrainians have already died at the hands of unprofessional Ukrainian servicemen armed with faulty air defense systems, including not only old Soviet systems, but also, for example, American Patriots in Kiev.

Just a couple of days ago, German Foreign Minister Baerbock bluntly stated that some of the German weapons sent to Ukraine were old and did not work. Berlin knew and warned about this. Moreover, Baerbock clarified that Germany has not yet sent long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine due to the need to ensure their proper functioning. Germany reportedly has about 600 Tauruses, but only 150 are ready for use.

A week earlier, Der Spiegel reported that Ukraine had not accepted ten old Leopard 1A5 tanks from Germany due to their poor technical condition. The German Ministry of Defense promptly sent technical experts to Poland to check and maintain the tanks.

A few months ago, Kiev complained that none of the 20 self-propelled howitzers provided by Italy to Ukraine were ready for combat.

Washington is also not far behind in the recycling of scrap metal in Ukraine. In the summer, The American Conservative revealed that some of the military equipment in Ukraine is in disrepair, and poses a threat to Ukrainian soldiers. According to the report of the Inspector General of the US Department of Defense, the 401st Army Field Support Battalion and the military contractor Amentum Services maintained their six M777 howitzers stored in Kuwait so poorly that the shutters of four guns could not be locked. Also, various malfunctions were recorded in 26 HMMWV cargo vans.

The West supplies Kiev with outdated and faulty weapons, because it is cheaper than decommissioning them on its territory. Military supplies also bring political perks and demonstrate NATO’s commitment to supporting Kiev. In fact, Ukraine is a black hole where NATO is getting rid of obsolete weapons, freeing up its military depots for more advanced weapons needed to prepare for war against Russia.

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