I AM HE, I AM THE LAMB 🐑 I AM. But has thou left me. Part 56👰

1 year ago

I AM HE, I AM THE LAMB 🐑 I AM. But has thou left me. Part 56👰
last part sorry I said part 46 on vid miss spoke it.

See the truth and know God in Jesus name.
Do you hear 🧏🏼‍♀️👂 Jesus?


🙌🏻 praise Jesus 🤚🏻 in the storm no matter what comes just keep going.

Doing for Jesus is all that matters to me and trying to tell someone about Jesus is the best thing ever. That's why these videos are so important. They tell you about my Jesus.. ❤️

Stay till the end. You must understand these messages go out to everyone around the world 🌍 not just gentiles.

W.W.J.D. (what would Jesus do, you don't really know. W.W.J.D.)? But you don't know God/Jesus. You don't know the God of the Bible 📜📖. You don't study ALL his word 📜📖. You only want the 1st and 2nd commandments. Yet you don't even keep those.
You study only to be right or win a fight. You don't study to know Jesus the God of the Bible. You don't want to know the wrathful, unmerciful side of the Lord. You only want the loving, merciful God/Jesus that you have made God to be.
God is long-suffering toward us ward. That's true but he also made us promises to reward evil and to punish sinners.
Well come along with me & let me help you know the real Jesus and his truth. This is important and must go out into all the land.

Last part of this 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 glory to Jesus.
I hope now you see the truth about who Jesus is. Hesam and Elohim, Jehovah, Yahweh, adoni, El shaddai, Emmanuel all Jesus. If you are going to understand his word you must first understand who God/Jesus is.

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