🕍Mark's DNA Temple🧬

1 year ago

More facts to get straight. (SIGH!)
There have already been THR33 TEMPLES.
After the Tabernacles of Moses - David...
Solomon, Zerubbabel and Herod.
Some will and have argued with me that there is NOT a new underground temple. NO? Explain why they've already started making animal sacrifices.
The next REAL temple with be New Jerusalem / Mt. Zion.
Revelations speak of the abomination sitting in a temple.. the cautions readers to use discernment. Yes, our physical bodies are temples of spirit. Will the possessed beast-man proclaim IN this temple, as it makes him claim he is God?
Due to injected technology, having control over us who take the mark?
Is the injectable THE mark? What about those who took it against their will
(elderly, mentally challenge, kids, etc.)? Are they doomed to "hell", the fiery lake of everlasting non-existence? NO! Here's why; 1. you must knowingly and willfully "receive", either by complacency (yes, even in ignorance, because you FAILED to seek the Truth) or due to fearful compliance. You feared not God, but feared the enemy more! You feared losing everything, instead of everlasting life.
Instead, you bowed down to K.M.A. worship the beast.

So let's look at a Scripture and reconsider translation/interpretation.
If any man worship the beast AND his image, AND receive his mark in his forehead, OR in his hand
( not going to get into NO REST FOR THE WICKED aspect )
( you have to know what a soul is and rest means, also Lazarus parable )
The second beast/false prophet "makes" an image unto the beast (NWO).
That beast (#2) which seems like a lamb is the Vatican / Catholicism / pope.
We can image technology - robots, holograms, etc. - being used. Could be!
A statue was the first example, leading to Hanukkah, or Feast of (re)Dedication, which "Jesus" did attend. (the story of the Menorah lamp/candle that didn't burn out was contrived by a German rabbi, much later on) Yet, indeed, this could be a literal image that takes the form of nano-technology OR it could
mean that "he" creates an illusion by becoming the shadow image of the beast by forming a new world religion, such as "Chrislam" (already proclaimed!). So, you bow down to worship one through the other. .. AND you receive its mark.
1. bow down to 2. surrender to worship 3. get the literally damned / cursed mark.
Emphasis upon the fact that if you do get the mark, you've done the others.
Emphasis upon the fact that you do so knowingly and willingly.
The proof of this is found in the previous BOOK/CHAPTER.

Rev. 13: 16 And he causes (mandates) all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name./// Complacency or Fear = Compliance
( You could replace "complacency" with "convenience". )

mmRNA = modified messenger RNA
CRISPR = doesn't cut, it burns through

Much of Revelations has to do with MARTYRDOM!
Even Matthew 24 speaks of it.
That is WHY Messiah's Revelations are a "BLESSING".
DO NOT FEAR! .. men who can kill the body, but not the [whole] soul.

NUMBERS 6:24-26

footnote: Hanukkah is KIND of like Messiah's conception day vs. birthday.
John 10:22 KJV



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