Traditional Dragon Ruler Vs Traditional Megalith

1 year ago

This video is a very fun behind-the-scenes deck testing for our Progression Series.

We had an extra game today, this time around, I duel Matthew's friend Jason and his Megalith deck, a deck with powerful ritual monsters with absurdly high defense stats and some really mean cards such as Ruin Queen that can end my life points quickly while playing on my turn.

In this series, we rip off Cimoooooooo's progression series, but unlike him, we use an automated website to prevent any cheating.

#yugioh, #progressionseries, #draft, #Cimoooooooo

Check out Muk854's Perspective: (Whenever he uploads it)\

Telegram Invitation

Buy My Books: NOTE: If you are under 18, do NOT even try. Parents, keep your kids away from these.

Quiet; Thoughts Pt. 1:

United; Conflict Pt.2:

Bright; Darkness Pt. 3:

Music (Sometimes) provided by TheRelaxedMovement.
Check it out here:
© Henry Keate t/a TheRelaxedMovement. All Rights Reserved

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