Fake Light Alters DNA

1 year ago

You are a complete slave. Money owns you in every single way possible. You are just like everyone else who chooses money over hobbies, love, passion, creativity, wonder, research, art, peace, meditation, etc. etc. etc. ALL YOU CAN DO IN THIS SLAVE SYSTEM IS GET MONEY. ONLY WITH MONEY CAN YOU DO ANYTHING YOU WANT AND I MEAN ANYTHING. You out here slaving over a DOLLAR, and ruling families making billions every single DAY! The elite rulers of this realm dont operate with money nor do they slave to a job like most of us are FORCED to do against our will and against our creative soul energy purpose! Money is what allows governments to create and finance wars. The money has no security. The ruling ELITE satanic families OWN it! What do you not get!? THE MONEY THAT OWNS YOU, is OWNED by ELITE RULING families. How can you not see the complications of this shit? Meanwhile, in 2022 it takes 15 family members to pay for 1 struggling member where as a couple hundre years ago, the value of a dollar had 1 man financing 40 acres of land and a family of 20! How do you people stay so asleep to how the tool of MONEY is played over us all? Do you see the SYMBOLISM on the money? The same symbol tattooed on my ARM, is the same one on the back of your DOLLAR bill. I learned the truth about money when I was 17 years old. How come you have not come around to the fact that money is a DEBT SLAVE note that you will forever be enslaved by, and you will never have enough, and you will die trying to get it, and you WILL NOT BE TAKING IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU DIE. There are people out here who OWN THE FUCKING MONEY and THE BANKS, and THE MILITARY! They OWN YOU! You have no personal values nor hobbies, nor goals, you were forced to think and work like a slave since birth. Also, all land, homes, and persons (bodies) of America are all owned by The Vatican; including you. If MONEY is YOUR GOD; THEN, who is your DEVIL?!?!?! P.S The biggest BUSINESS on EARTH besides your body being traded as a stock commodity, is CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING. Biggest MONEY maker = child sex trafficking. Bigger than Walmart, Courts, Government, NASA, Big Oild, and Microsoft, COMBINED! You are so suckered into who is fucking who; you do not realize who is fucking you! This is a blood cult religion, human sacrifice, black magic society. THE VATICAN HAS STOLEN MOST OF EARTHS GOLD; and also hide the MAGIC, and POWER in the mineral while fooling you into trading it for PAPER money with witchcraft slave symbols all over it. Sheeple say, "bahhh". The entire system is build on corruption and bad blood; and it shows in the way people opperate on a daily basis if you ask someone like me who is aware of the FACTS!

The book "Unlocked Mind" found on www.FlatEarthFightClub.com will fill you in.

Treasury Trust Bank Account Named GOD

Strawman Facts At Bedtime With Monk Zylio
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Strawman Facts At Bedtime With Monk Zylio
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