27Sep23 Dictator Dan, QuickBooks Censorship, & How Do We Separate Truth From New Age Lies About "Zombie Apocalypse"?

1 year ago

QuickBooks, JPMorgan, BankofAmerica Tried to Choke Guns — They'll Do It Again 
Too Big to Fail Banks, part of the Deputized State, pushed QuickBooks (Intuit) to drop gun retailers & manufacturers.  One bank admitted, the other denied & QuickBooks backed off for now — but like PayPal, they'll be back.  And in the UK government is gradually shutting down the ability to pay by cash.  Those who ask for information about secret policies are told "ministers and officials need a safe space away from public scrutiny in order to formulate and develop policy"

Cash App has delisted my account so that it doesn't work for anyone who has not already contributed in the past (31:28)

Nanotech, DEW, New Age "light (as in illumination) medicine"
Listeners Furious That I Reject Oct4 "Zombie Apocalypse" Narrative
…but the deeper I go, the more fraudulent the claims 

Dictator Dan walks away — a look back at his tyranny and a look forward if we continue to let people like him and Fauci walk away as free men (1:31:36)

The presidential debate tonight (vital issues are NEVER discussed) and the polls don't matter (they're about telling you what to think)  (1:43:12)

"What I'd say to Trump if he'd listen - which he won't".  And what just happened in New York? (1:51:43)

INTERVIEW Piers Corbyn: Roads Are For Traveling, End Injections, Man-Made Climate Change is Fake Desc:  Piers Corbyn, who has resisted cashless society,  lockdown, 15 Minute Cities, ULEZ, and been fined and arrested for civil disobedience joins.  WeatherAction.com (2:11:09)

USA Under Trump & Biden Say NO to Christian Refugees Unwanted refugees in danger of their life turned away as part of the Great Replacement.And, why are American churches failing? One man says "discipleship".  What does he mean by that? (2:31:54)

For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHT

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