Simplicity Bath & Shower - Walk In Tub By SanSpa

11 months ago

Does anybody you know need a walk-in tub?

In the right situation, these tubs can be a game changer. They can give elderly homeowners the chance to remain independent. They can allow mobility-challenged homeowners the opportunity to take a sit-down, tub-style bath without worrying about a fall. And for those seeking a therapeutic bath, these tubs can provide just that.

But they're not right for everyone. Well-built walk-in tubs can be a sizable investment, and they have to be installed and maintained by folks who know what they're doing. Sometimes, a walk-in shower is a better option. This depends entirely on the particulars of your unique situation.

If you or someone you know would like to discuss a walk in tub or shower, give Simplicity Bath a call at 832-464-7251.

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