Evolution S355MCS Miter Chop Saw Review

1 year ago

I’ve been waiting for years for someone to come out with a carbide tooth miter saw for metal.
About two years ago when I first seen it I wanted one and knew it would be a useful tool.
Well this summer 2023, a job came up where the saw would pay for itself, I bought one two weeks ago.
At the end of the video you will see a photo collage of the job.
I really like this saw a lot, although unlike what most state there is some transfer of heat to the piece being cut, obviously there is still friction causing heat, but nothing compared to a carborundum abrasive blade.
The angles are so precise as you will see in the pictures, that it’s just like putting together a puzzle, set your welding machine once as all of your joints will be the same, and tight.
The fence is about 3-3/8” high so it’s easy if you require multiple duplicate pieces to use your first one as a guide to measure and cut the rest.
The clamps are awesome they hold pieces very securely in place for the cut.
This saw is very messy so you will want a roller magnet to pick up the shavings, out of luck for aluminum.
My saw was almost $1200.00 including a spare blade and an aluminum cutting blade, and I have already used it for a second job!
The job I bought the saw with was to build six steel sawhorses for a waste water treatment plant, they are cradles to hold the drain hoses for the sanitation tanker trucks to dump at the treatment plant. The cradle hold the hoses up at the height of the connection on the back of the trucks.

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