Dr. Steven Greer – Identifies the True Threat to National Security and it’s not China or Russia

1 year ago

Dr. Steven Greer says Sociopaths and Psychopaths are in control of this world and you better believe it.

The 70-year plan that they formulated is coming to a head now. We cannot have a Congress do absolutely nothing for another 3 or 4 years.

The world is being led by a deadly mafia who has possession of very, very dangerous technologies that would be a mind blow to the public and most of congress.

Dr. Greer is hinting that there are plans beyond congress to do something about this.

This mafia is stealing tax money through "top secret" projects in the guise of National Security.

The most dangerous scenario is to stage an alien invasion which would be false using their own reverse engineered tech along with tech given to them. The second biggest threat is what they are capable of doing physically. They have the technology to move an asteroid over the sun which would cause massive tidal waves. They actually tried this and an ET craft intercepted this.

They also have devices along the shore of California which can cause massive earthquakes and tsunamis.

They truly are sociopaths and psychopaths with a 70 year depopulation and New World Order Agenda.

What you see going on is all their doings.

This cabal mafia organization of psychopaths are not overseen by the congress. They have no laws and follow no laws.

They are the biggest threat to humanity, not this Russia- Ukraine bullshit which is being orchestrated by these psychos.

We have an illegal shadow government that coordinates human trafficking and drug running, staging false flag events (911) and they possess incredible technologies.

The Pentagon leaders say the best thing we have is a B-2 Stealth Bomber and this Secret Government have crafts that can run circles around it. They don't know what to do.

If the Amnesty Bill passes then all these operations would be considered criminal. Then they could try to legally seize these high-tech crats.

It's a catch 22 as they would blame this as an alien invasion. The public has already been brainwashed about an alien threat.

If the Aliens wanted us dead, we would be dead.

The Brazil alien incident was our own CIA operation with our own craft. It wasn't aliens but the sociopaths in the mafia.

If these psychos with their reverse technologies from crafts 70 years ago become a threat to the aliens who are constantly here in the skies, then the aliens may be forced to act in self-defense. That would not be good.

The political leaders are just puppets and some are probably AI.

It's time to arrest this mafia.

SOURCE: Anonymous Official -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoqQLImUZsI

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