ANTHONY CHAFFEE b’ | PLANTS missing…. -B12; D3; K2. -Retinol; DHA; EPA

1 year ago
presents episode 1136 | Dr Anthony Chaffee
Regenerate podcast

Plant-based diets missing many essential nutrients...
-B12, D3, K2, Retinol [A], DHA, EPA
-beta carotene: 45% people cannot convert to vitamin A
-Plants that have K only have K1, most not converted into K2
"Any nutritionist who advocates
for plant-only diet is misleading...
These nutrients cannot come
from plants"
But, many university programs for
nutrition DO ADVOCATE for

Dietitian associations in Australia [and in US & elsewhere]
promote plant-based diets...
"Even say well-planned vegan diet is best, as long as you
supplement for missing nutrients"
They say: Low carb diet is a fad diet with no scientific evidence
Yet, thousands of human studies show
medical benefits
"Recently had to change this due to
keto diets are now part of T2D
treatment schedules

Dietitian Association Australia
listed 4 studies 'showing' vegan diet was best...
Each of those 4 studies were funded & done by either
-Sanitarium Foods or SDA Church
Majority of plant-based positive studies come from
compromised sources
-food companies
Example: Coca-Cola spends 11x more
than USA's NIH on studies
-Nestles, Pepsi, Kelloggs
"Studies are biased due to this funding


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