Savoring the Seasons: Embracing the Tradition of Seasonal Eating

1 year ago

Hey there, it's Joe Justice, and I'm excited to chat with all you home gym hustle heroes. Today, I'm diving into a topic close to my heart—seasonal eating and food preservation.

Today, I want to delve into a topic of seasonal eating and food preservation. I'd love to hear your stories and favorite recipes related to preserving food. You see, back in the day, our grandparents, especially here in West Virginia, were masters of food preservation. They'd can vegetables, store them in root cellars, and make sure we had tasty, nutritious meals year-round.

Nowadays, technology changed the game. We can get anything, anytime, thanks to long-distance transport and farming methods. But that convenience comes at a cost—economically and environmentally.

Our ancestors lived by the seasons, savoring the goodness of apples, potatoes, and nuts right before autumn arrived. Today, we're stuck with packaged and processed foods, filled with preservatives and chemicals.

So, here's the deal: embrace seasonal eating and support local produce. It's good for you, the environment, and your local economy. Compare the taste of a local tomato to a shipped one; it's all about freshness and quality.

As we head into a season of plenty, visit your local farmer's market. Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, beans, and lentils are about to shine. And if you have cherished memories of canning or food prep with your family, share them. Let's reconnect with our roots and savor the essence of seasonal eating.

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