1 year ago

I got this video from Telegram We The People channel and uploaded it here in my Rumble channel as it's lengthy. God Controls Technology. The bad guys even want to shape the future through Looking Glass technology; but no matter how bad probabilities are fed, it always arrives to an amazing result! Beginning the Year 2012, all timelines will always converge to the same result and they cannot change it no matter what they do. They call it the Awakening, Raising of Consciousness, Revealing the Truth, Ascension, Eschatology, and on my own view, I call it as the Disclosure, the lifting of the veil so all of God's children will only see the naked truth; the Coming of the Kingdom of God which will be triggered by the Warning as we know it in our JTM Mission all contained in the Book of Truth. Watch this video. It explains why Satan's reign is now ending. Very brilliant. Quite long but very fruitful. God will soon reign. Fr. JDS, OFM

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