Let's Make Sublimation Puzzles - Start to Finish

3 years ago

In this video, we'll be doing sublimation puzzles! We have both Unisub Hardboard Puzzles and Heart Shaped Felt Sublimation Puzzles. Shoutout to Conde/Dyetrans for supplying the puzzles. #sublimationpuzzles #sublimation #puzzles

Products Shown:

Unisub Sublimation Puzzle: https://dyetrans.com/details.php?item_no=U4742

Heart Felt Sublimation Puzzle: https://dyetrans.com/details.php?item_no=FP2020H

00:00 - Intro
00:46 - Layout and Design
01:16 - Cutting the Transfer
02:30 - Pressing Unisub Puzzle
05:11 - Pressing Heart Felt Puzzle
07:09 - Wrap Up and Final Thoughts

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Settings used:
- Premium Matte Paper settings
- 8.5" x 11" A-Sub Paper
- Heat Press to 375* F
- 70 Seconds press time
- Medium Pressure

Equipment used:
- Tusy Heat Press

- A-sub 8.5" x 11"

- Wirester Heat Resistant Gloves

- Cosmos Ink

- Butcher Paper

- Standard Printer Paper
- Epson Workforce WF-7720 printer
- Sublimation Tape

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Let's Make Sublimation Puzzles - Start to Finish
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